Celebrity News

Kathy Griffin upset she went from the D-list to a ‘blacklist’

Kathy Griffin can’t stop whining.

In a new YouTube video, the comedian complained about not being able to find work after she says she was blacklisted by Hollywood for posing with a severed, bloodied head of President Trump.

“I’m getting a lot of online hate from trolls who think I’ve lost my mind. And I am admitting I lost my mind because it’s what made me a star in the first place,” she said in the video titled “Kathy Griffin’s State of the Union.”

“I’m fully in the middle of a blacklist, a Hollywood blacklist. It is real. I’m not booked on any talk shows. I’m selling tickets worldwide which is really hard when you don’t have any kind of a television platform and kind of nobody has your back,” the 57-year-old lamented.

The former reality TV personality said that while many think she’s crazy, others think she is on to something.

“I just want you guys to know that when I get home I don’t have one single day of paid work in front of me … my legal bills are through the roof … I still say the end goal is for younger women and younger LGBT folks or disenfranchised people of any kind can watch me survive, and with a sense of humor,” Griffin said.

Griffin has been plagued by a whirlwind of negative media reports after she lampooned POTUS by posing with his decapitated head in a May shot by controversial photographer Tyler Shields. She quickly apologized but then reneged on her statements saying she was “no longer sorry.”