Celebrity News

Kanye West throws more love at Trump

Kanye West has gone full MAGA on Twitter, even gaining the attention of President Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, West, 40, posted, “You don’t have to agree with Trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.”

Trump retweeted the rapper Wednesday writing, “Thank you Kanye, very cool!”

West then proceeded to post pro-Trump images, despite writing that wife, Kim Kardashian, called him earlier to make sure he made clear he does not “agree with everything Trump does.”

“Now when he spoke out about Trump… Most people (including myself) have very different feelings & opinions about this. But this is HIS opinion. I believe in people being able to have their own opinions, even if really different from mine. Kanye will never run in the race of popular opinion and we know that and that’s why I love him and respect him and in a few years when someone else says the same exact thing but they aren’t labeled the way he is and you will all praise them!” Kardashian, 37, wrote.

West posted an image of himself in a Make America Great Again hat with music execs Lyor Cohen and Lucian Grainge, an image of a hat signed by Trump, and an image of himself on a poster saying “Keep America Great. Kanye 2020.”

The rapper met with the president at Trump Tower in December 2016 shortly after being released from the hospital for a breakdown.

At Wednesday’s White House press briefing, spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she didn’t think the pair had had any interaction since.

“I don’t know of any conversations that they have had over the last week or so,” Sanders said. “I know they met during transition … that’s the only meeting I’m aware of that’s taken place or conversation.”

Another tweet from West read, “I’m so happy to hear that Peter [Thiel] would like to take a meeting.”

The Silicon Valley billionaire, who managed to take down Gawker by funding Hulk Hogan‘s lawsuit, donated $1.25 million to Trump’s campaign.

Thiel stated to The New York Times: “I didn’t give [Trump] any money for a long time because I didn’t think it mattered, and then the campaign asked me to.”

After Trump’s victory, Thiel was named to the executive committee of the president-elect’s transition team.