
Fresh off White House visit, Kim Kardashian honored with fashion award

Newly crowned influencer-in-chief Kim Kardashian joked Monday night about receiving a fashion award — since she’s so often without any clothes.

The reality TV figure was star of the Council of Fashion Designers of America gala, where she collected the group’s first “Influencer Award.”

“I’m kind of shocked that I’m winning a fashion award when I’m naked most of the time,” Kardashian yukked to the black-tie crowd at the Brooklyn Museum.

“But this is seriously such an honor, so thank you to the CFDA for this award.”

Kardashian wore a white, open-backed halter top and a hip-hugging full-length skirt.

The event included other fashion luminaries, including Kardashian’s half-sister Kendall Jenner and model Gigi Hadid.

It’s been a busy week for Kardashian, who got face time with President Trump last Wednesday to advocate for prison sentencing reform.

During their Oval Office meeting, Trump told Kardashian that he was grateful for the support of her husband, Kanye West.