Celebrity News

Airbnb chief’s cringe-worthy immigration post stuns PR insiders

Talk about an “Air”-head move.

The new director of global communications for Airbnb made a communications blunder of global proportions amid the child separation crisis at the US border.

Kim Kingsley stunned fellow PR pros by posting a picture of herself and fellow staffers dancing on a San Francisco pier with the caption, “. . . that night i fell in love with new colleagues while children 2,000 miles away were being detained in cages. #whatyoudomatters #speakup #cantignorethis.”

We’re told industry insiders shared the post between themselves, with one telling Page Six, “My jaw dropped.”

A source close to Kingsley — who has been posting criticism of the now-revoked policy online — pointed out that Airbnb was among the first corporations to publicly oppose it, and said that Kingsley was just “proud to be working at a company that shares her values.”

In a statement, Kingsley told us, “My point is the exact opposite of what you suggest.” (We didn’t suggest anything about her point.)

She continued, “Even as we experience moments with family and friends, we cannot forget these children and my hashtags make that very clear. What you do matters. Speak up. We can’t ignore this. Look at anything I’ve shared over the last few weeks and you will know my feelings on this issue.”

Kingsley has since made her Instagram account private.

Politico co-founder and Washington Post alum Kingsley joined the international accommodation rental service June 5, Axios reported, as the director of global communications, reporting to its global head of policy and communications.

The news site reported at the time that she wrote to friends, “Be it Scranton or South Africa, my destiny, my heart were shaped by places and people — and now I get to help bring that beauty and bounty to a global community.”