Celebrity News

Cary Deuber thinks ‘Real Housewives of Dallas’ is the ‘prettiest franchise’

Nurse Cary Deuber is part of the self-dubbed “prettiest franchise” of Bravo, so it’s only natural that she share her plastic surgery tips.

The “Real Housewives of Dallas” star told Page Six in a recent interview that all of her cast mates “look really good,” saying: “I feel like we’re one of the prettiest franchises. I’m gonna toot our own horn. Beep beep! I really do. I really think we’re a really good looking group of girls.”

Deuber, 42, even helped costar Stephanie Hollman through a vagina tightening procedure that took place at her laser center this season.

“We’re vagina sisters for life!” she told us.

“I was literally like, ‘Girl, you need to get on the table and do this!’ Every time she jumped, she peed, so she needed it! Like she’s had two kids. Her bladder — her urethra — it’s not what it used to be! So you know I think this is really good for her. Something she actually needed and she loves … I didn’t see [her vagina] so it’s still ok!”

But when it comes to her other procedures, she told us that “less is more with plastic surgery and injectables in particular.”

“I think it’s really important to take care of your skin, which is what the lasers do … if I had to give advice I would just say, you know, go slow. Do what’s right for you. Make sure you’re going to somebody that you know knows you and your face and has a light hand!”