Celebrity News

Alyssa Milano recalls sexual assault to Sen. Susan Collins

Actress Alyssa Milano recalled being sexually assaulted when she was 19 in an emotional video posted to Twitter.

The “Charmed” star, 45, wept as she shared her story with fellow activists, who on Wednesday stormed the office of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) — one of four key swing votes in Judge Brett Kavanaugh‘s confirmation to the Supreme Court, which could come as early as Saturday.

“My name is Alyssa. When I was 19 years old, I was at a concert of a very famous pop star who told the crowd to get closer to her,” Milano said, as protesters around her repeated her statements. “This resulted in a stampede. People were smashed against each other. I couldn’t breathe, I thought I was gonna die.”

She choked up as she continued, “From behind me, I felt a hand up my skirt and I was punched repeatedly in the vagina. I couldn’t turn around. I looked to the stage, and I looked to the security guards, and I said, ‘Please help me’ and they couldn’t help me.”

Milano said she broke free and turned back to the “sea of people” to try to spot her “predator,” but couldn’t find him.

She said she “couldn’t report because I didn’t know who it was to report.”

“And I didn’t tell anybody because I didn’t know who it was to tell on,” she added. “I kept the secret just like Dr. [Christine Blasey] Ford kept her secret for decades.”

Milano was in the audience last week as Ford testified that she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh in the early 1980s.

The actress posted the two-minute video on Twitter with the caption, “I told one of my #MeToo stories in @SenatorCollins office. I was with her constituent. We asked to speak with Senator Collins. She hid. Here’s my story through a ‘human microphone.’ I’ll never know if she heard me. *Trigger Warning*.”