Celebrity News

Lena Dunham undergoes surgery to get left ovary removed

Lena Dunham‘s health complications continue.

The “Girls” star, 32, revealed on Wednesday that she underwent surgery to remove her left ovary.

In a lengthy Instagram post, she explained that her ovary was “encased in scar tissue & fibrosis, attached to my bowel and pressing on nerves that made it kinda hard to walk/pee/vamp. Over the last month it got worse and worse until I was simply a burrito shaped like a human.”

In the photo taken by her mother, photographer Lauri Simmons, Dunham wears a hospital gown and “mesh panties.”

“My mother took this picture after I spent 9 hours in the post op recovery area with v low blood pressure, the nurses were diligently monitoring. I was so out of it that I thought I looked sensually moody a la Charlotte Rampling (turns out it was more of a constipation vibe.),” Dunham wrote.

Dunham, who revealed in a Vogue interview that she underwent a total hysterectomy earlier this year, mentioned that she thought the procedure would have prevented another surgery, but the actress remains positive.

“A big lesson I’ve learned in all this is that health, like most things, isn’t linear,” she said. “Things improve and things falter and you start living off only cranberry juice from a sippy cup/sleeping on a glorified heating pad but you’re also happier than you’ve been in years.”

She also touched on how access to health care is considered a “privilege.”

“I’m simultaneously shocked by what my body is and isn’t doing for me and red with rage that access to medical care is a privilege and not a right in this country and that women have to work extra hard just to prove what we already know about our own bodies and what we need to be well,” she wrote. “It’s humiliating.”

She vowed to keep advocating for women and “to remind women that our stories don’t have to look one way,” before noting her “mesh panties are the f–king jam.”