Celebrity News

Lady Gaga slams Mike Pence during concert: ‘You are wrong’

Lady Gaga took time out of one of her performances in Las Vegas over the weekend to sound off on the Trump administration, specifically Vice President Mike Pence for his wife’s decision to work at a school with anti-LGBTQ policies.

The “Born This Way” singer broke during a performance of the song “Million Reasons” to speak about the president and vice president before jumping right back into her set.

“If the f—ing president of the United States could please put our government back in business,” she said during the break.

The star continued by discussing the federal workers who are living paycheck-to-paycheck needing their money amid the ongoing government shutdown. From there, she launched into the real crux of her tirade, the Pence family.

“To Mike Pence, who thinks it’s acceptable that his wife work at a school that bans LGBTQ,” she said. “You are wrong.”

Pence previously spoke out against the backlash his wife was receiving for her new job, tweeting, ”We’ll let the critics roll off our back. But the criticism of Christian education in America must stop.”

Gaga, who recently won a Golden Globe for best original song for her work on “A Star is Born,” continued her onstage musings by denouncing Pence’s defense of his wife and the school.

“’You say we should not discriminate against Christianity — you are the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian,” she said. “I am a Christian woman and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice and everybody is welcome.”

She concluded saying: “So you can take all that disgrace Mr. Pence and you can look yourself in the mirror and you’ll find it right there.”

From there, the star made a quick comment on how far off track the setlist had gone and jumped right back into her performance while the crowd cheered her on.

Warning: Explicit language