Celebrity News

Fox’s ‘Rent’ will go on despite lead actor’s injury

In one of the more serious obstacles to recent broadcast network live musical productions, a serious ankle injury to actor Brennin Hunt has altered Fox’s plans for its version of “Rent,” but the show will go on.

Producers of the three-hour broadcast prepare for any inevitability, but the leads in the show do not have understudies, as is the case with Broadway shows. The severity of Hunt’s injury, which he suffered toward the end of rehearsal when he rolled his ankle, is not known.

Fox is expected to interweave certain portions of taped performance from Saturday’s rehearsal into the main live show to lessen the live performance load on the actor, who was having trouble putting weight on the ankle, according to numerous reports about the rehearsal. Networks have often relied on recordings of dress rehearsals to replace sections of the live broadcast as needed, based on unforeseen events.

One additional element of the broadcast that could help shift the focus away from Hunt’s ankle is the planned appearance of the original Broadway cast of the show, which a production source confirmed to Deadline.

In a statement, the network said, “Last night during a live performance of Fox’s production of ‘Rent,’ one of the actors, Brennin Hunt, was injured. But in the spirit of ‘Rent,’  everyone – producers and cast, original and current — is dedicated to ensuring that tonight’s broadcast must, and will, go on.”

“Rent,” which was created by Jonathan Larson, who died suddenly on the eve of its Broadway premiere, is loosely based on Puccini’s “La Bohème” but shifts the setting of the story to 1990s New York. It is a physically demanding show, with a lot of movement and dexterity required of its cast, in addition to singing and acting chops.

Julie Larson, Jonathan’s sister, said in a statement, “The experience of putting together this beautiful new production of my brother’s work, while emotional, has been truly joyous for all of us. This new cast has embodied the spirit of the show from day one and they embraced Brennin with positive and uplifting love in his moment of need. “Rent” has always been about resilience and community. I speak from my heart when I say that we have a spectacular show for you tonight. We can’t wait for a new generation to experience Jonathan’s legacy.”