Celebrity News

Time’s Up president Lisa Borders resigns

After taking the job of president and CEO of Time’s Up late last year, Lisa Borders has stepped down from her post. She announced the news Monday via Twitter.

“As Time’s Up continues to grow, I am proud of the work I have done to shepherd its continued development. Unfortunately, it is with deep regret that I must resign from Time’s Up to address family concerns that require my singular focus. I appreciate the opportunity to support this mission and I hope my efforts will continue to resonate.”

In a statement, Time’s Up addressed her exit, saying: “With gratitude for her work, Time’s Up accepts and supports Lisa Borders’ decision to resign as president and CEO. We know that it is the right decision for Lisa as well as the organization. Our COO, Rebecca Goldman, will serve as interim CEO while we conduct an executive search. We remain steadfast in our mission to create safe, fair, and dignified work for women of all kinds.”

A former WNBA president and Coca-Cola executive, Borders was announced as the organization’s first president and CEO in October. She began in the job November 1.

Time’s Up was launched by women in the entertainment industry last year and since has expanded to other industries and parts of the world. Borders was charged with leading the group’s efforts to ensure equal opportunity and protection for all working women.