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Nipsey Hussle’s brother found him dying, recounts his final moments

The brother of slain rapper Nipsey Hussle reportedly found him dying outside of his clothing store on Sunday — and has come forward to recount his final moments.

Speaking to the LA Times, Samiel Asghedom described how he walked up on his younger brother’s blood-soaked body and began performing CPR on him after receiving orders from a 911 operator.

“1, 2, 3, 4,” he remembered saying, noting how a crowd had formed around Hussle, aka “Nips.”

Paramedics arrived at the scene a few minutes later and put a breathing tube down Hussle’s throat and an IV in his arm before placing him on a stretcher, according to Asghedom.

He told the Times that this is when he spotted the fatal gunshot wound to the back of his brother’s head and started praying.

“If somebody would’ve been there — if I would’ve been there — I would’ve shot back,” Asghedom said. “I just wish I would’ve been there.”

Asghedom noted how Hussle didn’t have any security with him Sunday and that most of the workers at his store are struggling felons who can’t carry guns — so the rapper was defenseless.

“Because of that, the man was able to shoot my brother, start running, realize nobody out there had a gun, stop, turn back around, walk up, shoot my brother two more times, start to run, realize nobody had a gun, nobody was responding, ran back up and shot my brother three more times, shoot him in the head and kicked him in the head and then ran off,” Asghedom said.

Hussle’s ambulance reportedly arrived at the hospital before his brother did. When he got there, he could barely get answers.

“I know who he is,” he recalled a paramedic saying to him. “I’m a fan. I respect what he was doing in the community.”

The EMT then added, “We tried our hardest.”

Asghedom described his brother’s death as an “execution.”

“It doesn’t make sense that somebody from the area, that just snuck up, and just talked to him and shook his hand minutes before,” he said. “It’s mind-boggling.”

Asghedom just hopes he can uphold Hussle’s legacy as a respected community activist and role model.

“He made something work in an area that was run-down, that people were scared to come to, and he turned it into a landmark,” Asghedom said. “All races. Different states. Many countries. They all come to Crenshaw and Slauson. He was truly the people’s champ.”