Whoopi Goldberg tears into Bill de Blasio over presidential bid

Whoopi Goldberg eviscerated Mayor Bill de Blasio Wednesday over his long-shot presidential announcement — slamming the mayor on everything from homelessness to the sorry state of public housing during an epic rant on “The View.”

The host could barely contain her laughter — and simmering rage — as she tore into Hizzoner’s national aspirations.

“Not a good career move,” she fumed in response to a clip of his campaign announcement video. “Here’s the thing you didn’t mention: Homelessness is near record highs. Congestion pricing will take the minimum wage we just gave to people … Public housing is falling apart. He can’t seem to fire anybody. The buses are slow. What the hell you gonna do?

“Finish doing what you’re doing here. Finish being the mayor. Finish this out,” the actress continued.

The rant elicited cheers and riotous laughter from the show’s studio audience.

When co-host Joy Behar interjected that “Mayor Tall” has had some successes, too, Goldberg shot back without missing a beat, “Spit ‘em out!”

That prompted Behar to studiously pore over an index card of talking points before rattling off Hizzoner’s popular universal pre-K program, city-mandated affordable housing and a one-time freeze on rents for rent-stabilized apartments that has since thawed.

Co-host Sunny Hostin went to bat for the mayor, too, citing policy wins that de Blasio has come under fire for stealing — such as a paid vacation law he cribbed from fellow former Brooklyn City Councilman Jumaane Williams.

A protest outside of "Good Morning America" as Bill de Blasio arrives
David McGlynn

The apologists finally infuriated co-host Meghan McCain, who at one point shouted “Can I finish, because I hate this guy” as she pointed out de Blasio’s dismal campaign announcement.

“You live and die by launches, and this morning at [‘Good Morning America’], people were screaming ‘Liar’ so loud that George Stephanopoulos had to say, ‘Hey, there’s a buncha protesters out here,’” McCain said, citing an April 3 Quinnipiac poll that found 76 percent of New Yorkers believe Hizzoner shouldn’t run for president.

“On top of everything else, he killed the groundhog,” she said, referring to the varmint that died after de Blasio dropped her during a Staten Island Groundhog Day event in 2014 — and which came back to bite him in a recent Republican National Committee fundraising email.

It’s not the first time Whoopi has aimed her ire at the mayor — she slammed him in person in January over bike lanes, charging, “You screwed the city up!”