
Khloé Kardashian is not ready to start dating yet

Khloé Kardashian is putting her love life on hold after her dramatic breakup with Tristan Thompson.

The 34-year-old reality star got candid about her life as a single mom on the most recent episode of the “Divorce Sucks! With Laura Wasser” podcast on Monday. For now, she said, dating is not a priority.

“I’m not even thinking like that,” she said. “I’m not on [dating apps] but I don’t care to be. I am so in love with [daughter] True and being with her and enjoying every minute.”

The “Revenge Body” fixture is also taking a break to focus on herself.

“I want to filter through whatever I think I need to filter through,” she said. “But my focus is on True. I don’t have a sense of urgency to be in a relationship or to even go on a date. I don’t want to.”

Khloé ended it with Thompson in February after news about his cheating scandal with Jordyn Woods surfaced. However, the two work to remain civil for their daughter’s sake, and even came together to celebrate daughter True’s first birthday in April.

“For me, Tristan and I broke up not too long ago so it’s really raw so those emotions could be heightened at times,” she admitted. “To me, [True] does know [what is happening] and she feels energy and I’m a big believer of that. So, I do everything in my power to not put any sort of heavy energy around her.”

“I know her dad is a great person and I know he loves and cares about her so I want him to be there,” she continued.

Despite being a single parent, Khloé is not alone in the raising of her new baby. Sisters Kim and Kourtney are on board to help out and vice versa.

“It’s the best ever,” she explained. “And even before I became a mom, I always I felt that I had the responsibility of acting as if I was the second or third or fourth mom in line.”

However, she revealed that the three moms have very different parenting styles.

“Kim and I are way more militant we have structures and schedules, Kourtney likes for them to have a lot of options and choices. She is not as stern,” Khloé shared. “Kim believes in time-outs and Kourtney does [too], but she has to be pushed to the time out.”

While Khloé is stepping back from the dating world at the moment, she is not giving up on love entirely. When asked if she would get married again, the star took a brief pause before saying definitively, “yes.”