Celebrity News

Ex-ethics officer puts Kim Foxx on blast over Smollett case

Hours after State’s Attorney Kim Foxx deflected blame to her former chief ethics officer for her decision to not appoint a special prosecutor in the Jussie Smollett case, that former staffer called Foxx’s assertions lies.

April Perry, who served as Foxx’s chief ethics officer until May, sent an email to reporters Friday that contradicted statements Foxx made shortly after a Chicago judge slammed her handling of the Smollett case and appointed a special prosecutor Friday.

Foxx said she was just following “the advice and counsel of my then Chief Ethics Officer” when she opted out of ordering a special prosecutor — but Perry said the opposite to be true.

“My advice was that First Assistant Joseph Magats seek the court’s approval and request a Special State’s Attorney appointment in this matter.  I prepared a motion and order to that effect, and e-mailed it to the First Assistant on February 20. Shortly after sending that email, the First Assistant advised me that State’s Attorney Foxx determined that the motion and order should not be filed,” Perry wrote in an email.

Records of Perry’s emails were obtained by The Post in April and back up her claims. A special prosecutor order was never filed in the case, according to court records.

“It is a Chief Ethics Officer’s job to provide the best advice and guidance possible based upon the facts given to her at the time,” Perry said Friday.

“Sometimes that advice is followed, sometimes it is not.”

Perry resigned from Foxx’s office in April.

Earlier Friday, a Chicago judge slammed Foxx’s handling of the case and said her office’s entire prosecution of Smollett was invalid because Magats never had the authority to act in her place.

Foxx’s office did not return emails or phone calls about Perry’s claims.