Celebrity News

Judge rules Justin Theroux’s neighbor trespassed

A Manhattan judge ruled that Justin Theroux‘s neighbor should be held responsible for trespassing and sided with the actor about the hotly disputed boundary line of the pair’s shared roof deck space.

“These trespasses were not justified by circumstances giving rise to a need to enter Theroux’s property to prevent serious harm,” Manhattan Justice Gerald Lebovits wrote in his Tuesday decision in the case that the HBO “The Leftovers” actor brought against his downstairs neighbor Norman Resnicow.

Theroux — who once shared the Greenwich Village apartment with Jennifer Aniston before they split — sued the real estate lawyer in 2017 claiming that he was harassing him and Aniston about $1 million renovations.

The actor also claimed that Resnicow trespassed on his property, peeped into his windows, harassed his workers, and killed the ivy that grew between their shared roof terrace.

Lebovits also sided with Theroux on the boundary line of the roof patio noting that it went “undisputed” for 15 years before their conflict began and so it should remain as is.

The case will stay open until a trial takes place to determine the damages that Theroux should be awarded for Resnicow’s trespassing, Lebovits determined.

Theroux’s lawyer, Eric Sherman, told Page Six, “We are deeply gratified by the court’s thoughtful reasoned decision which gives Mr. Theroux a well-deserved victory. The court clearly understands the circumstances that gave rise to this dispute.”

Last week, Sherman informed the judge that Resnicow was back to his old ways harassing Theroux this time by shining a flashlight into his property almost nightly. Sherman said this violated a temporary restraining order barring Resnicow from contact with Theroux and the board members of their building.

Resnicow’s lawyer, Peter Levine, shot back in a letter filed with the judge Tuesday that Sherman’s newest accusations are part of Theroux’s “campaign of character assassination,” against Resnicow.

Levine declined to comment but said, “we have the decision and we are studying it.”