Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Royal Family

Billy Crudup talks filming ‘Where’d You Go, Bernadette?’ in Greenland

Cate Blanchett, Kristen Wiig, Laurence Fishburne, Billy Crudup’s “Where’d You Go, Bernadette” is a film about a lady’s complicated chic world who, after years sacrificing for her family, runs far off to find herself.

Crudup: “We shot in Greenland, which resembles the last bit of the end of the world. Like Antarctica. Like Earth’s biggest meltdown. Primordial. Icebergs, rocks, mountains, scarce tundra. No parks or recognizable features. Being there, you learn what our planet could descend into.

“We stayed on a single decommissioned Russian ship, a seven-story, 350-foot vessel. Off-hours we observed whales, colonies of fish, wildlife, geography, and existed through an 80 mph hurricane with the Atlantic’s 30-foot rolling seas.

“Except for the oil industry, nothing goes on there. Iceland’s the beautiful part of that world. Greenland’s not so beautiful. If we’d worked there in winter, we’d have frozen to death. We filmed summertime, and it was 60 degrees.

“I play the artificial intelligence tech millionaire husband of Bernadette — that’s Cate. He’s preoccupied. After she runs off he begins to pay her attention.”

Cate Blanchett
Cate BlanchettGC Images

A New Yorker, as is his whole family, knife-pressed blue suit, perfect blue tie, spit-polished shoes, what did spiffy Crudup buy in Greenland?

“You kidding? Nothing. They have no stores. There is absolutely nothing to buy and nothing to do.”

So now that you’re no longer shooting “Where’d You Go, Bernadette,” would you ever go back to Greenland?

“Oh, definitely.”

Cate arrived in Alexander McQueen’s black, supertailored, multicostly pantsuit with giantsize blue satin ruffled sleeves. She did not get this in Greenland.

Progressive move

Ayanna Soyini Pressley. A member of our newfound political anthill the Squad. So where’s this congresscreature raising cash? Taking from them with money so’s to grab money to take money from those with money to give them who can use this money? And where might this saviourette from Massachusetts be fund-raising? Here. New York.

A prince among questionable men

Queen Elizabeth’s son. Newly photographed in a limo. Just he and his Majesty mum. Both smiling like for a dentist. Maybe a posed photo? Andrew’s recent portrait was with deceased buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

When do cameras grab a close “candid” of Her Majesty laughing wildly? Like she had zero to do but chug around — alone — with just randy dandy Andy, who hadn’t a care or snapshot in the world to worry about?

Also: In a golf game, players were told never address Epstein’s pal directly unless this prince of a guy spoke to them first — and always call HRH “Sir.”

Them royals got a bigger problem than Brexit.

The short of it

I just covered one event where superyoung types were in shorts. Short shorts. Like very short shorts. Speak to them about crack, and they think you’re referring to their behinds.

“One useless man is a shame, two’s a law firm, three or more is a Congress.” That’s been attributed to John Adams. And “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.” That’s Mark Twain.

Only in history, kids, only in history.