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Hunter Biden’s ‘baby mama’ wants to know how much he made at Ukrainian energy firm

The ex-stripper suing Hunter Biden for child support wants him to reveal how much he made while he served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, she said in court documents filed Monday.

The amount that Lunden Alexis Roberts is asking Biden, 49, to acknowledge he reaped at the energy firm is redacted in the 47-point request for admissions her lawyers filed in an Arkansas court.

But reports have said Biden was paid as much as $50,000 per month in the position. He sat on the company’s board of directors between April 2014 and April 2019.

The filing in Independence County Circuit Court also asks former Vice President Joe Biden’s son to admit that he received money from China for foreign or domestic investment purposes.

A judge last week chided both parties in the lawsuit for not being open about their finances and requested an affidavit of financial means covering five years for both Biden and Roberts.

“I do not want this drug out nor do I want to have to drag out the monies these individuals may have received in any form or fashion,” wrote Judge Don McSpadden in a letter dated Dec. 3.

“It concerns me that the only information supplied to the court so far concerning employment of either party has been unemployment or under employment,” wrote McSpadden.

Another document, filed Monday by Biden’s new attorney Brent Langdon, asks a judge to deny Roberts’ request to have her more than $11,000 in attorney’s fees and court costs footed by Biden.

Biden initially denied having had sex with Roberts — but she filed court papers last month that said DNA testing proved his paternity “with scientific certainty.”

In response, Biden filed court papers that said he was “not contesting paternity” but needed more time to “consult with his accountants.”

Last month, The Post exclusively revealed that Biden was regular at a Washington, DC, strip club where Roberts performed under the stage name “Dallas” around the time that he broke up with his late brother’s widow.

Biden’s original attorneys in the case filed papers last week saying they’d been fired unexpectedly.

Langdon didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.