Celebrity News

Naomie Olindo defends Cameran Eubanks against cheating rumors, her exit from ‘Southern Charm’

Naomie Olindo is taking a stand against “Southern Charm.”

The reality star, 27, took to her Instagram story on Thursday to defend her decision to leave the Bravo show — and called out her costars in the process.

“To all those asking why Cameran, Chelsea and I (and anyone with a life they want to protect) quit the show,” she captioned a screenshot of Cameran Eubanks’ Instagram story.

She added, “It’s sh-t like this. Shame on you @kathryndennis for this and many other things” alongside a monkey emoji.

A report on Wednesday claimed that Eubanks, 36, left the show to avoid discussing a rumor that her husband of six years, Jason Wimberly, was unfaithful  — a rumor allegedly started by their costar Kathryn Dennis, 28.

“While upsetting, it sadly doesn’t surprise me as this is what reality television has come to nowadays and a large reason why I kept my marriage off the air,” Eubanks, who is mom to two-year-old daughter Palmer, said in an Instagram post. “You must protect what is sacred to you. Some things aren’t worth a big paycheck.”

She continued, “I can’t get too upset though because this is what you sign up for when you put life on reality TV … and why I’m getting out of it now.”

She then shared a statement from the woman accused of having an affair with Wimberly, Rebecca Walsh, captioning it: “It is so sad that this kind, beautiful and innocent girl had to be [dragged] into the mud. I signed up for this by being on TV. She didn’t. @rebeccawalsh is the victim here.”

Naomie Olindo's Instagram story

Walsh’s statement in its entirety read: “I have been wrongfully accused of having a relationship with the husband of Cameran Wimberly of Southern Charm. I have never met Jason or Cameran Wimberly in my life. These hurtful accusations are blatant unfounded lies that have shaken me to my core. I am not a religious follower of Southern Charm, but as a makeup artist and resident of the Charleston area, it is impossible to not know who the cast of the show is. I have never laid eyes or interacted with Jason Wimberly, Cameran, or anyone in their beautiful family other than on television. The allegations that this rumor was started by Kathryn Dennis are even more hurtful. I met Kathryn one time in July 2018 when I did her makeup for a photo shoot for a local clothing store. I have not seen or spoken to Kathryn since. I have only known her in my limited interaction in a professional capacity, and to suggest that I am somehow associated with these allegations is dumbfounding, hurtful, and malicious. I am so sorry to the Wimberly family that someone would cut so low as to attack the core tenant of anyone’s life — their family.”

It’s been a dramatic week for “Southern Charm” despite the show’s inactive status, with Dennis accused of sending racist messages to activist Mika Gadsden using the monkey emoji and Eubanks announcing her departure. (Dennis apologized and her contract with Gwynn’s of Mount Pleasant was not renewed as a result of her actions.)

It is unclear when filming on the seventh season of the show, put on hold by the coronavirus pandemic, will return.