Celebrity News

Lana Del Rey slams rumors she voted for Trump: ‘Go f–k yourself’

Lana Del Rey told a fan to “go f—k herself” for suggesting that she cast a ballot for Donald Trump.

On Tuesday night, an ardent fan of the “Summertime Sadness” singer tweeted (using Rey’s real first name Elizabeth): “I just KNOW Elizabeth voted for Trump, I wish I could look up her voting records. Something doesn’t sit right with me.”

The pop star promptly told the fan to “Go. F—k. Yourself.”

The fan then wrote, “Lana telling me to go f—k myself when I have her tattooed on my arm lmfaoooo alright then.”

Clearly, a tattoo did nothing to mollify Del Rey’s feelings because the 35-year-old singer replied, “Nah read what u wrote hoe.”

Del Rey has long been an outspoken critic of President Trump.

In 2017, she admitted taking part in a protest where witches united to hex Trump.