Celebrity News

Jon Voight says US in ‘greatest fight since the Civil War’ over election

Actor Jon Voight likened President-elect Joe Biden to “Satan,” saying America is in the “greatest fight since the Civil War” as President Trump continues to contest the election results.

The “Heat” star and Trump supporter released a video bashing “leftists” and saying he’s “disgusted with this lie that [Joe] Biden has been chosen.”

“As if we all don’t know the truth,” he says in the video. “The ones who are jumping for joy now are jumping toward the horror they will be in for because I know that the promises being made from the left to the American people will never come to be.

“My friends of all colors, races and religions, this is now our greatest fight since the Civil War, the battle of righteousness versus Satan — yes, Satan — because these leftists are evil, corrupt, and they want to tear down this nation.”

Voight, 81, tweeted the 1-minute, 47-second video, which features the Academy Award winner against a backdrop as he speaks to the camera on Tuesday with the caption, “We all know the truth.”

“Let us give our trust to God and fight now for Trump’s victory because we all know this ballot count is corruption like they are, so let’s not back down, let us fight this fight like it is our last fight on earth,” he says.

He concludes with a quote from Muhammad Ali: “It’s not over ’til the last punch you have. God bless.”

Voight, the father of actress Angelina Jolie, released a similar video in January as Trump’s impeachment trial played out, calling for “highest prayers” for “one of our greatest presidents.”

The actor called Trump “the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln” in a 2019 video retweeted by the commander-in-chief.