Celebrity News

Sir Ian McKellen, 81, receives COVID-19 vaccine

Sir Ian McKellen felt “euphoric” after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in the U.K. on Wednesday.

“I feel very lucky to have had the vaccine,” the 81-year-old “Lord of the Rings” actor tweeted. “I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone.”

Due to his age, the veteran actor is part of the first eligible group to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

Wearing a jaunty rainbow scarf, McKellen was recorded receiving the jab at the Queen Mary University of London.

“It’s a very special day,” he said. “I feel euphoric.”

“Anyone who has lived as long as I have is alive because they have had previous vaccinations,” he added.

The “X-Men” star noted that people his age should be vaccinated because “you’re doing your bit for society.”

“I would encourage everybody to do the sensible thing, not just for themselves but for everybody else because if you’re virus-free that helps everybody else, doesn’t it?” he said in an ITV video.

“The Great British Bake Off” judge Prue Leith, 80, also got the vaccine this week.