Celebrity News

Shanna Moakler: Liking that Kourtney Kardashian diss was an accident

Shanna Moakler claims it was “just a complete accident” that she hit the like button on an Instagram comment that dissed her ex-husband Travis Barker’s new galpal, Kourtney Kardashian.

“A lot of times when I’m on my social media, I ‘like’ all the fans’ comments,” Moakler, 45, told Us Weekly, adding that she didn’t even read the comment.

“I didn’t even know I ‘liked’ it until the press picked it up and it was all over the place. It was just kind of an unfortunate event, but I definitely wasn’t trying to start a social media war!”

You’ll recall — or perhaps, blissfully, you won’t — that Moakler started this trouble last week, when she liked a comment on her Instagram that read “Shhhhiiiii that broad don’t got nothin’ on you. Travis downgraded big time,” in reference to Kardashian.

Barker, 45, and Moakler got married in 2004 and split four years later. They have two kids: 17-year-old son Landon and 15-year-old daughter Alabama.

Moakler also offered an explanation for another post that she shared to her Instagram Story this week: “Stop complaining about your life,” it read. “There are people out there dating your ex.”

“It was actually about a different ex,” Moakler told Us. “It wasn’t about Travis and Kourtney at all.”

“Really, at the end of the day, I haven’t been with my ex-husband in over a decade,” she continued. “I have a boyfriend that I’m super happy with and I’m happy [Barker] found a girlfriend and a friend. He deserves to be happy as well. I want nothing but the best for him and my kids — that’s the most important thing for me.”

Moakler, however, did not address the suspect timing of a post on Kardashian’s blog, Poosh, that went up last week, titled “How to Break the Habit of Stalking Your Ex on Social Media.”

“Modern life has cursed us,” it said. “We are haunted by the radical accessibility of everyone we’ve ever met, hooked up with, or dated via a tiny device we happen to keep on our person during all our waking moments.”

Blink-182 drummer Barker and Kardashian went Instagram-official earlier this month, just days after spending Valentine’s Day together.

Page Six confirmed that the pair, who have been friends for years, started seeing each other romantically in January.