Celebrity News

Shaquille O’Neal buys couple washing machine, 70-inch TV at Best Buy

Forget Best Buy — try Radio Shaq.

We’re told hoops hero Shaquille O’Neal got to chatting with a couple in Best Buy over the weekend — and ended up paying for the washing machine they’d come there to buy, plus got them a 70-inch TV for the hell of it.

Apparently Shaq was browsing the electronics store in Dallas, where he just bought a home — because “he just loves seeing new things in the tech world,” we’re told — when he met a young family looking for a washing machine.

After talking with them for a while, the Los Angeles Lakers legend and on-camera NBA analyst decided he’d like to brighten their day a little.

We’re told he pulled out his credit card and treated them to a few pricey appliances.

The former NBA baller said he likes to make people "happy."
The former NBA baller said he likes to make people “happy.” Getty Images

Reached for comment, O’Neal, 50, told Page Six, “I just want to make people happy.”

He’s generally a generous guy: Over the weekend, he announced he’ll donate the proceeds from an upcoming DJ set in Buffalo to the victims of the mass shooting there in May.

And Page Six recently reported he picked up the dinner tab for an entire restaurant.

O'Neal also recently picked up diners' tabs at a Manhattan hotspot.
O’Neal also recently picked up diners’ tabs at a Manhattan hotspot. NBAE via Getty Images

Spies said he’d arrived to the Chelsea hotspot Jue Lan Club one night last month, and by the end of his meal he was footing the bill for the entire eatery.

But we also heard that O’Neal apparently wanted to keep his generosity a secret from fellow diners: He asked the staff not to mention that he was paying the bill for over 40 tables until he left, according to our sources.