bill de blasio

Kimmel blasts de Blasio for not supporting the Yankees

"Between this and the subway, I just want to congratulate Bill de Blasio on his final term as mayor of the city of New York," Kimmel said.

De Blasio's former press secretary back at work after coma

Karen Hinton is back for the first time today at Fenton Communications.

De Blasio dances with men in thongs at campaign event

Mayor de Blasio danced with men in thongs at a re-election campaign event — and also recalled initially striking out with his future wife in the 1990s.

Bill de Blasio may be running for president

“He thinks he’s the inheritor of the Warren and Sanders legacy,” said a Democratic power broker, “but no one told Warren and Sanders they were dead.”

De Blasio was allegedly late to his own wedding

The mayor was more than an hour late to his 1994 wedding to Chirlane McCray, according to a political foe.  

Ex-governor David Paterson won't challenge Mayor de Blasio

“He has no interest in jumping back into the meat grinder," a spokesperson for Paterson said.

De Blasio can't be bothered to attend Grammys announcement

Sources said de Blasio insisted he couldn’t make it until 11:30 a.m. “because he had to go to the gym.”

Going to de Blasio's birthday bash could cost you $25K

De Blasio will be fêted on May 9 at Le Poisson Rouge, and the bash will serve as a re-election fund-raiser.

Bo Dietl hoping for Trump luck after campaign fundraiser

The independent candidate held a fund-raiser at the Hunt & Fish Club, which previously hosted an event for President Donald Trump.

Brooklyn residents 'furious' with de Blasio's homeless initiative

The gentrifiers are revolting.

Ex-Obama staffer wasn't impressed with Bill de Blasio

“De Blasio is famous for running late,” she explains. “By the time he was ready to meet me, he was very rushed” and “checking his BlackBerry throughout.”

Bo Dietl tears into Mayor de Blasio

The ex-detective called Hizzoner “tired and lazy” at a kickoff event for Dietl's own mayoral run on Thursday.

Don Peebles considering run for NYC mayor

"The mayor is in trouble and should be doing a better job,” Peebles said of Bill de Blasio.

Fundraising for Bo Dietl's mayoral race begins

A nightlife industry vet will be hosting a fundraiser for the former NYPD detective.

Bo Dietl wants to make New York great again

He wants to bring New York "back to the ‘greatness of the pre-de Blasio era.’”

De Blasio's beleaguered ex-press secretary finds a new gig

Karen Hinton has joined Fenton Communications as the firm’s chief strategy officer and head of their New York office.

New York naming street corner for Bill Cunningham

As it will only be a temporary renaming, the city hopes to find a more lasting way to honor Cunningham.

Anthony Bourdain: Even stupid and offensive people can run restaurants

"I would greatly prefer to not have a Guy Fieri restaurant in Times Square. It hurts me. It offends me, but somebody clearly loves it," the chef said.

De Blasio likes L.A. Reid’s pad better than Gracie Mansion

Hizzoner may end up with even greater envy when, once out of office, he returns to his modest house in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Animal-rights activists not horsin' around with de Blasio

The animal-rights activists who gave the mayor hundreds of thousands of campaign dollars have lawyered up and become cooperating witnesses.