peter marino

Edgy Hamptons art benefit features fake pigs, performers writhing on concrete balls and an ode to Sprite

Guests included Solange Knowles, architect Peter Marino, fashion designer Maxwell Osborne, artist Liz Magic Laser and socialite Jean Shafiroff.

Julia Koch taps Peter Marino to redecorate $40M UES townhouse

Marino’s providing “interior design touch-ups” for Koch’s manse.

Chanel store architect defends $3M fee

"I enhance the brand, and I don’t think it’s baloney to say I do that a lot more than two ads in a fashion magazine,” Peter Marino said.

Peter Marino is an architect of diplomacy

The legendary architect convinced three Parisian homeowners to let him run an air-conditioning line through their wine cellars.

Peter Marino and Sidney Toledano to be honored at French gala

The French Institute Alliance Française will present the awards at its November gala at the Plaza.

'Leather daddy' Peter Marino accused of harassing gay worker

The suit charges the self-proclaimed leather daddy Marino made his work life a horny hell.

Lawsuit alleges Peter Marino is a sexist, racist pig

He is accused of calling his female staff sexist names, his black employees racial slurs and ridiculing the facial features of Koreans.

Peter Marino to be celebrated by animal rescue group

Architect Peter Marino has adopted two cats from the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons and has underwritten dog runs at its shelter.

Peter Marino puts the 'stud' in star-studded

Marino was wearing his signature head-to-toe tight black leather with metal studs and buckles at the Free Arts NYC auction.

Peter Marino is the prom king of Art Basel

Marino, who dresses in black leather, quipped at the opening of Design Miami, “They referred to me … [as] prom king of Miami in December.”

Miley and Kim K. to join top artists at Art Basel Miami

While major artists including Julian Schnabel and Marina Abramovic will be in Miami this upcoming week for Art Basel, starting Dec. 4, there will also be no shortage of pop...

Peter Marino flaunts his love for leather

Peter Marino proves that if you are talented and successful enough, you can wear anything at all. The architect designs almost every top department store and designer retail space —...