tel aviv

Joey King gets 'hummus' neck tattoo: 'New favorite ink'

The "Kissing Booth" star shared photos of her trip, including a snap of the back of her neck where Hebrew letters pay tribute to the chickpea dip.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg donated a collar to the Jewish museum of Tel Aviv

Ginsburg and Sandra Day O'Connor adopted the collar as a pushback against masculine judicial styles.

Bar Refaeli gets community service for tax evasion, mom gets prison time

Bar Refaeli on Tuesday signed a plea deal to perform nine months' community service in Israel.

J.Lo and A-Rod take a camel ride in Israel

“Oh just riding a camel on a Saturday afternoon."

Lorde fans suing over alleged Israel boycott attempt

A controversial Israeli law opens the door to civil suits against anyone calling for a boycott against Israel — including of lands it has occupied — if that call could...

Israeli politician's wife cross-dresses to raise Pride Week awareness

Judy Shalom Nir-Mozes, wife of Israeli Deputy PM/Interior Minister Silvan Shalom, cross-dressed as a man to bring attention to week-long celebration.