Politics & Government

Meet Ron Galperin, Candidate For California Controller: Elections 2022

Applicant Rob Galperin is asking you to hire her for the role of controller, which pays $174,843 per year. Here's his resume.


Before Ron Galperin was elected controller for the City of Los Angeles in 2013, he was a community advocate. He was elected to one of the city’s 99 neighborhood councils, where he advocated for “responsible neighborhood planning” and beautification projects, and developed a training course for other community advocates. Galperin is also an attorney.

As city controller, Galperin advocated for improvements to street services, police staffing, funding for the arts, workers’ compensation costs, airport operations and the Department of Water & Power.
As state controller, he hopes to take on California’s lack of affordable housing and “existential crisis” of homelessness, but voters will have to judge how much he can capitalize on his municipal experience.

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If he wins, Galperin would be California’s second openly gay statewide elected officeholder, after Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, who was elected in 2018. Galperin made history in Los Angeles as its first citywide LGBTQ elected official.


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Controller, City of Los Angeles: 2013 – present

  • Created the L.A. Equity Index in 2020, tracking indicators including rent burden, air quality and access to internet, food and health insurance.
  • Launched Control Panel L.A., the city’s award-winning open data portal, in 2013. The portal lists goods and services Los Angeles has bought for the last 10 years, along with information on assets and liabilities, employee compensation and performance metrics.
  • Through an audit, increased fee revenues, allowing the city fix more streets and maintain funds for future repairs.

Member, Neighborhood Council: 2006 – 2013

  • Pushed for quality-of-life improvements and responsible neighborhood planning.Developed and taught “L.A. City Government 101,” a guide for community activists to engage with the city.
  • Also volunteered with Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates to provide budget recommendations to city officials.
  • Chairperson, Los Angeles Commission on Revenue Efficiency and Quality and Productivity Commission

President, Quality & Productivity Commission: 2010 – 2013

  • Served as president of its Quality & Productivity Commission.Reviewed and funded innovative departmental projects, and presented annual awards.
  • Oversaw several reform proposals, including a new inspector general for revenue and collections.

Commissioner, Los Angeles County Quality & Productivity Commission: 2009 – 2013

  • Similar to the city role, reviewed and funded innovative departmental projects.
  • Partnered with departments to help productivity, efficiency, customer service and results.


Among the data points uncovered by the portal Galperin launched: The $20,000 worth of heroin and cocaine used to calibrate the LAPD’s drug testing equipment, and the number of frozen rats the city had purchased to feed snakes at the L.A. Zoo – 52,100 costing $129,218.

Want to know where Galperin stands on some of the biggest questions facing California? Visit CalMatters for more on his views on hot-button issues, fundraising efforts, and online links.