Banning-Beaumont Real Estate News


Median Home Prices Near Banning, Beaumont Rise

According to CoreLogic, the median price of a Riverside County home was $330,000 last month, up from $305,000 in March 2015.

Median Home Prices Near Banning, Beaumont Rise

RivCo Home Prices Up by Seven Percent

According to CoreLogic DataQuick, the median price of a Riverside County home was $300,000 last month, up from $280,000 in December 2013.

RivCo Home Prices Up by Seven Percent

RivCo Home Prices Up 9.7 Percent

Home prices rose nearly 10 percent in September, from the same time a year ago.

RivCo Home Prices Up 9.7 Percent

Living Large in Smaller Homes

The answer to affordable housing lies in less space and more peace of mind.

Living Large in Smaller Homes

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?

The map below shows the number of owner-occupied homes valued between $150,000 and $199,999 in your neighborhood, as reported by the US Census Bureau.

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?