Health & Fitness

Marin County Hospital Census Zero Coronavirus Cases

Most coronavirus cases and all deaths over the past two months have been among unvaccinated individuals.

June 14, 2021

Milestone demonstrates vaccine’s effectiveness

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San Rafael, CA – For the first time in more than a year, Marin County hospitals have zero COVID-19 confirmed patients requiring hospitalization.

The milestone comes on the eve of California’s transition to Beyond the Blueprint [External] status, a step to rollback capacity and physical distancing limits as well as other business operational restrictions of the former Blueprint for a Safer Economy [External].

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The last time Marin did not have a single patient hospitalized for COVID-19 was May 3, 2020, just prior to a major surge of cases statewide that led to the implementation of the County Monitoring List [External] in June 2020 and the Blueprint model in August 2020.

Marin County has one of the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates in California, with 89.1% of eligible residents aged 12 and older having received at least one dose of the vaccine and 80% having completed a vaccine series. The high rate of vaccine adoption among Marin residents has dramatically decreased both local case rates and hospitalization rates. Most COVID-19 cases and all deaths over the past two months have been among unvaccinated individuals.

“The pattern couldn’t be clearer that vaccinations protect us,” said Dr. Matt Willis, Marin’s Public Health Officer. “We’re seeing the benefits in preventing the most serious illnesses and is another reason why we feel ready to move forward with reopening our local economy.”

Marin County plans to align with California Department of Public Health’s Beyond the Blueprint policies [External] and will not impose any local, more restrictive regulations than what the state allows.

Marin County Public Health continues to offer a series of mobile vaccination clinics in its quest to inoculate the remaining 11% of eligible residents. Find a vaccination location by visiting

This press release was produced by the Marin County Government. The views expressed here are the author’s own.