Mill Valley Real Estate News

Mill Valley|Neighbor News|

Multiple Offers in Marin County

A colleague of mine shared some interesting statistics with me from our MLS regarding multiple offers in Marin County for...

Multiple Offers in Marin County
Mill Valley|News|

Living Large in Smaller Homes

The answer to affordable housing lies in less space and more peace of mind.

Living Large in Smaller Homes
Mill Valley|News|

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?

The map below shows the number of owner-occupied homes valued between $150,000 and $199,999 in your neighborhood, as reported by the US Census Bureau.

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?
Mill Valley|News|

How High Will Marin Home Prices Go?

We've created a graphic that shows the median price for a detached single-family home for each year going back to 2001.

How High Will Marin Home Prices Go?