Community Corner

Stunning Sunflowers After 3 Months Of Nurturing: Photos Of The Day

The last photo is sad.

SAN LEANDRO, CA — Master Gardener Miyo Burnett planted a variety of sunflower seeds in March. By mid-June, the plants had soared high enough to slam-dunk the neighbor's basketball hoop.

The Chocolate Sunflower was photographed on June 20. Miyo told Patch the she "had to stretch my hands above my head to get this pic."

By June 29, the sunflowers were tall and beautiful.

But after a week of torturous heat often surpassing 100 degrees, the flowers had wilted by July 7. The good news is that the plants still look healthy, so the prospect of future blooms remain.

Thank you for sharing your photos with Patch readers, Miyo.

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