San Rafael Real Estate News

San Rafael|News|

Living Large in Smaller Homes

The answer to affordable housing lies in less space and more peace of mind.

Living Large in Smaller Homes
San Rafael|News|

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?

The map below shows the number of owner-occupied homes valued between $150,000 and $199,999 in your neighborhood, as reported by the US Census Bureau.

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?
San Rafael|News|

How High Will Marin Home Prices Go?

We've created a graphic that shows the median price for a detached single-family home for each year going back to 2001.

How High Will Marin Home Prices Go?
San Rafael|News|

Comparing Rent in San Rafael

Wonder what your neighbors pay for rent? This map details it.

Comparing Rent in San Rafael
San Rafael|News|

What Should Replace Vin Antico?

What would you like to see pop up in Vin Antico’s former space? Share your vacancy visions with us in the comments below!

What Should Replace Vin Antico?