Crime & Safety

Judge Keeps Fotis Dulos' Bail At $6M, Orders House Arrest

Fotis Dulos was charged with murder while ex-girlfriend Michelle Troconis and friend Kent Mawhinney were charged with conspiracy.

STAMFORD, CT — A judge Wednesday refused to reduce the $6 million bail set for Fotis Dulos, who was charged Tuesday with murder in the disappearance of his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos. Dulos, who is expected to post bond at some point, will be on house arrest with a GPS monitoring device if and when he is released. He also is prohibited from contacting his five children and Jennifer Dulos' family. It appeared that Dulos was going to post bond Wednesday but that was abruptly cancelled. Several media reports said Dulos had posted bond but that was later rescinded.

Superior Court Judge John Blawie rejected a request to lower the bail for Dulos, 52, who is accused of killing the mother of his five children. The whereabouts of Jennifer Dulos, 50, remain unknown since she was last seen on May 24, 2019.

Dulos' attorney, Norm Pattis, argued that the bail should have been reduced from the initial $6 million to $1 million, citing what he said was the state's flimsy case against his client, but Blawie was unmoved.

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Dulos' close friend and former attorney, Kent Mawhinney, was first up during arraignment proceedings Wednesday, and Blawie ordered his bail to remain at $2 million, citing another pending case out of Hartford. Mawhinney is charged with conspiracy to commit murder in the case. According to his attorney, it is expected that Mawhinney won’t be able to post bond.

Michelle Troconis, who also is charged with conspiracy to commit murder, was arraigned next, and the judge lowered her bail from $2 million to $1.5 million, citing that she has been in compliance with a GPS tracker stemming from an earlier charge concerning tampering with evidence. If she posts bond, she will be on house arrest.

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Jennifer Dulos was reported missing from her New Canaan house after dropping her children at school May 24, 2019, and there has been no sign of her since then. Despite the three arrests Tuesday, the mystery over her whereabouts remains unresolved. However, state officials believe that she is dead based on evidence collected at the crime scene, Jennifer Dulos' New Canaan home, and in Hartford.

Not long after Jennifer Dulos was reported missing, Fotis Dulos and Troconis are believed to have dumped bags containing bloody clothing, sponges and other items - some of which tested positive for Jennifer Dulos' blood - along Albany Avenue in Hartford, according to authorities.

Investigators in an arrest warrant point to Fotis Dulos' finances as a possible motive, alleging his "debt exposure" was $7 million around the time of Jennifer Dulos' disappearance.

Despite the murder charge, Pattis is confident in his case.

"We are encouraged by a preliminary review of the warrant, because it shows a shocking lack of confidence in the charges," said Pattis, adding that state prosecutors are now trying to build a case based on a financial crime.

"These charges came as a relief to us, because we now have something to shoot at."

"Michelle surrendered to state police earlier (Tuesday)," her attorney, Andrew Bowman, said outside of the state police Troop G Barracks in Bridgeport. "She remains cooperative in this case."

When asked if he was surprised by the charge, Bowman said no. He had predicted the possibility of additional charges last fall.

"In this line of work, lawyers should never be surprised," he said.

Pattis, who spoke at a press conference Tuesday evening in front of his New Haven office, took issue with how his client was treated compared with Troconis, stressing that Fotis Dulos was not permitted to turn himself in as she was.

"We are shocked by the treatment of Mr. Dulos," Pattis said. He added that he and his partners were forced to wait more than three hours for access to their client, while Bowman was allowed to see his client immediately.

At a press conference, Connecticut State Police Trooper First Class Christine Jeltema provided few details because she said authorities are still subject to a court gag order in the case.

"On Jan. 7, 2020, [members of State Police] Western District, in conjunction with Central District Major Crime detectives, were able to get enough evidence to effect the arrest of three individuals," Jeltema said, listing the names and charges for Dulos, Troconis and Mawhinney.

"We would like to recognize all the federal and local law enforcement agencies that helped us with this case. Please understand that this investigation is still ongoing."

Medical Examiner Concludes Jennifer Dulos Is 'Homicide Of Violence' Victim

State police released a 35-page arrest warrant Tuesday afternoon shedding significant new details why they concluded that Jennifer Dulos is dead.

According to the warrant, state police presented evidence to Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner James Gill, who determined that Jennifer Dulos sustained injuries that wouldn't have been survivable without medical intervention. Trauma to Jennifer Dulos, who went missing May 24, 2019, likely was a combination of blunt force trauma and sharp force injuries from a stabbing or slashing, Gill said.

Gill also said he believes Jennifer Dulos is dead because of the "presence of blood in multiple locations at Jennifer Dulos' residence … the presence of her DNA associated with those bloodstains, the evidence of efforts to clean the scene, and the nature of the blood spatter analysis," the arrest warrant states. He was also informed of the items of evidence seized in Hartford that also linked back to Jennifer Dulos forensically, the warrant stated.

State police also believe that Jennifer Dulos was injured and incapacitated after being restrained using plastic zip ties, according to the warrant.

Other reasons cited for investigators' belief that Jennifer Dulos is not alive include these: There has been no financial activity by Jennifer Dulos since May 23, 2019, when she wrote a check, and no cell phone activity since May 24, the warrant states. None of Jennifer's friends and family had seen her since May 24, according to the warrant.

Fotis Dulos' Financial Problems

The warrant details some of Fotis Dulos' financial woes, including a portfolio of $4.49 million in lines of credit along with several mortgages related to his construction properties. Officials say Dulos' "debt exposure" by May 31, 2019, was $7 million, which includes a $2.5 million civil suit against him by Gloria Farber, who is Jennifer Dulos' mother.

"It appears that Dulos was failing to make even minimal interest-due payments on multiple loans," the warrant states.

From April 1, 2018, until May 31, 2019, Dulos began funding the Fore Group Inc. business checking account with advances from a DSB Line of Credit totaling about $1.6 million, the warrant states. During this same period, the Fore Group Inc. business account was funded by an additional line of credit advance to include People's United Bank loan totaling about $530,000, according to the warrant.

And in April 2019, when his DSB account was nearing its maximum limit, Dulos received a $149,000 Snap Advance cash advance from a company in Utah, the warrant states. Also during this same time, Dulos received three insurance checks totaling $193,610, that were deposited into a joint account for "Fotis and Jennifer Dulos," but Jennifer didn't sign any of the checks and the funds were withdrawn by "Fotis Dulos" and transferred to his personal account, the warrant states.

"No indication was found that any portion of the above proceeds designated by Chubb Insurance Company to 'Jennifer and Fotis Dulos' was transferred to Jennifer," according to the warrant.

"... Dulos' debt increased significantly at the same time his ability to support his business through line advances diminished, causing him to seek other means of funding his business, such as through the Snap Advance [$149,500] Wire in April 2019," the warrant states.

Each of the five Dulos children had trust funds established by Jennifer Dulos' mother, Gloria Farber, and her late father, Hilliard Farber. The total amount was $2 million, according to the warrant. Detectives allege that Fotis Dulos would have been aware of the trust funds and that he could expect some level of access for child-related expenses if Jennifer Dulos disappeared.

Why Was Kent Mawhinney Charged?

The arrest warrant for Mawhinney sheds some light on why Dulos' close friend, who is a practicing attorney, was charged, but there are still many unanswered questions concerning what authorities say was his involvement in the case.

Mawhinney's name appeared in "alibi scripts" written by Dulos and Troconis, which were designed to help them have a "script" to tell law enforcement when questioned about Jennifer's disappearance, authorities said.

Mawhinney was interviewed in June to determine what knowledge he had concerning the whereabouts of Dulos and Troconis at the time of Jennifer's disappearance.

"As with Troconis, Mawhinney's responses were frequently vague or evasive, at times self-contradictory, and otherwise suspicious to investigators," the warrant states.

At one point, Mawhinney told investigators that he had a meeting planned with Dulos on May 24 and then he changed his story, according to the warrant. He said he didn't speak with Dulos on May 24, but phone records show Dulos called him at 7:40 p.m., the warrant states.

"If there's a phone call I guess I did. ... I don't remember having contact with Fotis," Mawhinney said, according to the warrant. ".... Mawhinney was asked if he would know why Dulos would have contacted him while dumping evidence into trash receptacles in Hartford CT. Mawhinney reiterated that he did not remember any kind of contact with Dulos and did not know why Fotis would call him while he was disposing of evidence."

What Is The Significance Of Windsor Road & Gun Club In East Granby?

A member of the Windsor Road & Gun Club in East Granby, Jerry Lawlor, and his friend, Lee McKay, were hunting at the club on May 18, 2019, when they came upon an area of "disturbed ground." The men found a hole dug into the ground that was covered with small branches and leaves to hide the pit.

"The hole dimensions were approximately 2-feet wide, 6-feet long, and 3-feet deep. Lawlor stated he is just under 6-feet tall and that he would have laid down in the hole." Lawlor described the hole as, "One hundred percent a human grave," the warrant states. Inside the hole was a blue tarp and two bags of unopened lime.

The two men remarked that lime is used "for trying to (get) rid of a body!" the warrant states. The two men left because they were unaware of anyone missing. On May 22, 2019, McKay went back to check on the hole and discovered that the bags of lime were removed, according to the warrant.

In early June, the men checked on the hole and found it was covered and "as neat as a pin," with leaves and sticks covering it, the warrant states. Lawlor then told state police about the hole.

Also at this time, Lawlor learned that Mawhinney was responsible for the club's existence and helped create it 12 to 15 years ago but had not been active in six years, authorities said.

But Mawhinney reached out to another club member in March/April 2019 and wanted back into the club, authorities said.

"The member told Mawhinney about the hidden key to the logging chain. Mawhinney had taken that information and had never followed up renewing his club membership," the arrest warrant states. The club is secured by fencing and a logging chain.

On Aug. 14, 2019, law enforcement searched the property for the hole and found a "site of disturbed earth measuring approximately 2.5 feet wide, 6 feet long, and 3.5 feet deep. … The canine teams searched the hole and surrounding property but could locate no signs of human remains. No sign of the tarp or the bags of lime were located."

In a review of Mawhinney's phone records, investigators said that on March 29, his cell phone "polled" the tower in East Granby that services the gun club, according to the warrant. Fotis Dulos was seen on surveillance at the gun property for seven minutes on May 23, the warrant states. And at 11:04 p.m. May 31, Mawhinney's cell phone polled the tower of the gun club, documents state.

Dulos was seen arriving at State Police Troop G in Bridgeport on Tuesday afternoon for processing after his arrerst. He was spotted riding in the front seat of a state police cruiser.

Reaction To Arrests By Jennifer's Family

New Canaan police tweeted one word after the news that Dulos had been charged.

Carrie Luft released a statement on behalf of the family and friends of Jennifer Farber Dulos.

Above all we thank the Connecticut State Police and the New Canaan Police Department, as well as the assisting local departments, for their tireless commitment and diligent, painstaking work that have led to these arrests. Although we are relieved that the wait for these charges is over, for us there is no sense of closure. Nothing can bring Jennifer back.
We miss her every day and will forever mourn her loss.
We believe the arrest warrants will speak for themselves, and we ask that you please respect our privacy during this time. Thank you.

The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic violence applauded the arrest Tuesday.

“Jennifer Farber Dulos was one of 14 individuals killed by an intimate partner in Connecticut in 2019," said CCADV CEO Karen Jarmoc. "We applaud the arrest of those suspected of involvement in her death and thank all of the law enforcement agencies, federal, state and local, and the State’s Attorney’s office for their diligence in ensuring that these persons are held accountable for their deplorable actions.”

Jennifer Dulos had filed for divorce from Fotis Dulos in 2017. Fotis Dulos and Troconis were already facing criminal charges in connection with her disappearance. They are accused of discarding bloody items that tested positive for Jennifer's blood.

Fotis Dulos arrest warrant CSP by Ellyn Santiago on Scribd

Jennifer Dulos (Courtesy of New Canaan Police Department and the family of Jennifer Farber Dulos)

2019 Arrest Warrant Details On How Jennifer May Have Been Killed

In a 2019 arrest warrant, state police outlined how they believe Jennifer Dulos was killed. Authorities believe Jennifer Dulos was the victim of violent attack in her home, based on evidence found at the scene. It's believed that Jennifer Dulos was attacked by her husband once she returned from dropping the kids off at school, the arrest warrant states.

"Dulos is believed to have been lying in wait for his wife to return" to her home, the arrest warrant states. State police believe Fotis Dulos cleaned up the crime scene between 8:05 and 10:25 a.m., the warrant states.

Fotis Dulos is suspected of driving Jennifer Dulos' 2017 Chevrolet Suburban from her house at 10:25 a.m. and that her body was likely inside, the arrest warrant states.

Troconis and Fotis Dulos were accused of discarding items, many of which were stained with Jennifer Dulos' blood, at various locations along Albany Avenue in Hartford soon after Jennifer Dulos disappeared, the arrest warrant states.

Fotis Dulos' Interviews

Fotis Dulos has given several interviews to the media, including speaking on national television. He hasn’t said much about the accusations against him except to say he loves his children and the fight against the charges has been exhausting.

In the Greek-language news magazine "Proto Thema," Fotis Dulos is quoted speaking about his estranged wife's supposed "serious psychological problems" which contributed to the couple's divorce.

"My marriage has not been so happy since 2010," he told the magazine, according to Google Translate. "Jennifer has gradually begun to take me out of her life and has become increasingly distant, a hermit. I tried hard to reach out and understand what was happening, but it never felt better. I'm sorry to say it, but Jennifer was suffering from serious psychological problems that I didn't immediately understand and didn't want to go into further. I put it aside because I was in love with her and focused on other things that make our lives beautiful. Our children were growing up beautifully, my job was going great and I was trying to enjoy life despite the fact that at my wedding I was no longer happy. "

Divorce and Custody Battle

Fotis Dulos in December sought to challenge a probate court decision that granted his mother-in-law, Gloria Farber, guardianship over his children. The appeal was scheduled to be argued in juvenile court on Thursday. Dulos' attorney Richard Rochlin filed paperwork in an effort to dismiss the divorce case between Fotis and Jennifer Dulos.

A probate court judge assigned guardianship of the children to Farber in November 2019 and removed Fotis Dulos and Jennifer Farber Dulos. Farber was granted custody of the children after Fotis Dulos' arrest. Fotis Dulos hasn't been allowed to contact his children as a condition of his bail and last had contact with them on May 22, according to the Connecticut Post.

"Mr. Dulos's parental rights have not been terminated, and he is presumed innocent of all criminal charges currently pending against him," Rochlin wrote. "A motion to dismiss such charges is also pending…"

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Alfred Branch, Patch Staff contributed to this report.

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