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New Details On How Jennifer Dulos May Have Died: Warrant

The estranged husband of missing mother Jennifer Farber Dulos was arrested again on Wednesday. He posted a $500,000 bond.

Fotis Dulos
Fotis Dulos (Connecticut State Police)

NEW CANAAN, CT — Fotis Dulos, the estranged husband of missing New Canaan mother Jennifer Farber Dulos, was arrested again on a charge of tampering with evidence on Wednesday in connection with the disappearance of his wife, according to state police.

State Police in a 43-page arrest warrant provide new details on what they think happened to Jennifer Dulos and what role her estranged husband may have played in her death.

Dulos was arrested at his home on Wednesday. In the arrest warrant, state police investigators wrote that the new charge, in part, centers on a pickup truck - not his Ford Raptor - that Fotis Dulos had washed a couple of days after Jennifer Dulos disappeared. The truck, a 2001 Toyota Tacoma, is owned by Barbara Gumlenny, wife of Pawel Gumlenny, a project manager for Fore Group, Fotis Dulos' luxury home building business.

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State police, according to the arrest warrant, believe that Fotis Dulos may have used the Toyota to transport Jennifer Dulos' body after he attacked her at her New Canaan home, though he has not been charged with that crime.

Authorities believe Jennifer Dulos was the victim of violent attack in her home, based on evidence found at the scene. It's believed that Jennifer Dulos was attacked by her husband once she returned from dropping the kids off at school, the arrest warrant states.

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“Dulos is believed to have been lying in wait for his wife to return” to her home," the arrest warrant states. State Police believe Fotis Dulos cleaned up the crime scene between 8:05 and 10:25 a.m., the warrant states.

Fotis Dulos is suspected of driving Jennifer Dulos' 2017 Chevrolet Suburban from her house at 10:25 a.m. and that her body was likely inside, the arrest warrant states. The 2001 Toyota Tacoma arrives at Fotis Dulos' property in Farmington at 12:22 p.m., the warrant states.

In addition to having the Toyota Tacoma washed, Fotis Dulos also insisted that the seats in the truck be switched with seats from a Porsche SUV, Pawel Gumlenny told state police.

The removed seats, which Pawel Gumlenny turned over to state police, were tested and were found to contain a "bloodlike substance" that had DNA from Jennifer Dulos, according to state police.

Additionally, during questioning by state police about getting the vehicle washed, Michelle Troconis, Fotis Dulos' ex-girlfriend who also faces charges in connection with the disappearance, is quoted as saying, "Well obviously... all the evidence says because... you showed me the picture of the blood in the door it's because the body of Jennifer at some point was in there."

Fotis Dulos and Troconis, were first charged with evidence tampering and hindering a prosecution a week after Jennifer Dulos' disappearance on May 24. Troconis was not arrested on an additional charge by state police on Wednesday.

They have both pleaded not guilty in connection with the first arrest; Fotis Dulos is due back in court on Sept. 13 on the original charges, and Troconis is due back in court on Sept. 20.

In the initial arrest, both Troconis and Fotis Dulos were accused of discarding items, many of which were stained with Jennifer Dulos' blood, at various locations along Albany Avenue in Hartford soon after Jennifer Dulos disappeared.

Fotis Dulos was released on Wednesday after posting bond on bail of $500,000 and is scheduled to appear in Norwalk Superior Court on Sept. 12.

In a statement to Patch Wednesday evening, Fotis Dulos' criminal defense attorney, Norm Pattis, said the following:

"It is difficult to see why the state waited for months to serve this warrant. It was unnecessary," Pattis said. "Apparently, Michelle has changed her tune and a handyman is telling tales to deflect attention from himself. We wish the state police spent more time looking for Jennifer and less trying to build a case against Fotis.

"We will plead not guilty to these charges next week in Norwalk."

Outside of the State Police Troop G barracks in Bridgeport, Dulos said he loves his children and the fight against the charges has been exhausting, as quoted by Fox61.

This new arrest comes a day after Fotis Dulos' attorneys claimed in a family court filing that he has undergone two psychological evaluations as part of the contentious divorce proceedings between Jennifer Dulos and him. According to motion filed Tuesday, his attorneys claim that the results of the evaluations conclude that Fotis Dulos is a "gregarious and confident" person who lacks psychopathology.

Last week, Fotis Dulos' attorneys filed a court motion requesting this his mother-in-law, Gloria Farber, undergo a psychological evaluation as part of the bitter, ongoing custody battle over the five Dulos children. Farber, who has intervened in the case since the disappearance of her daughter, has been granted temporary custody of the children and is seeking sole custody.

She agreed to the request, but also requested that Fotis Dulos undergo a similar evaluation, which prompted his attorneys' motion stating that he has already been checked out by two separate doctors. The number of total sessions with the two doctors reached a combined 34 meetings, 20 with one doctor and 14 with the other.

"If Ms. Farber is intent on proceeding with a psychological evaluation as indicated in her response to Defendant's Motion for a Psychological Evaluation, Mr. Dulos would, subject to language agreed to by each parties' counsel, propose the following:

a) Ms. Farber having access to Dr. Herman's entire report, including his notes from sessions with Mr. Dulos,

b) Ms. Farber and the Court having full access to Mr. Dulos' psychologist's file and the testing performing by such psychologist (i.e., the [Personality Assessment Inventory]), and

c) Mr. Dulos and the Court having full access to Ms. Farber's various treatment providers and the associated records."

That last point is an attempt, in part, to view information on what Fotis Dulos' attorneys claim is Farber having been "psychiatrically hospitalized" in the past.

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