Health & Fitness

Coronavirus Confirmed In Livingston, ‘Isolation’ Begun: Officials

Livingston has officially seen its first confirmed cases of the new coronavirus known as COVID-19, authorities announced Wednesday.

Livingston has officially seen its first confirmed cases of the new coronavirus known as COVID-19, authorities announced Wednesday.
Livingston has officially seen its first confirmed cases of the new coronavirus known as COVID-19, authorities announced Wednesday. (File Photo: Shutterstock)

LIVINGSTON, NJ — Livingston has officially seen its first confirmed cases of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, authorities announced Wednesday.

The Livingston Health Department (LHD) said the township’s first two cases of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 are “separate and distinct cases,” with no interaction with one another.

“The LHD just learned of these cases today and has begun the process of isolation and monitoring,” township officials stated.

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According to township officials, the monitoring process includes an interview of the affected individuals to identify locations and persons with whom the affected individuals had contact. Once identified, those people and locations will be notified of the individual’s exposure and symptoms to allow the identification of close contacts and to increase awareness of those exposed for potential development of symptoms, and to encourage isolation of those who may be at risk from contact with these individuals.

Livingston officials stated:

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“The existence of these two cases is being made public in the interest of full transparency while still being respectful of the privacy rights and laws involving personal medical information, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). As a result, more detailed information as to the two cases cannot be released to the public. However, residents can be assured that the township, the mayor and council, township manager and Health Department take this news with the utmost seriousness and are committed to taking all steps to support the affected individuals and those with whom they were in contact; while protecting the safety and well-being of the broader community.”

Officials added:

“The township, in partnership with many other agencies, groups, organizations and residents, is launching programs to provide support and services to vulnerable residents, including transportation for medical appointments and food or medicine shopping. If you are a resident or know a resident who cannot drive, is homebound, or is otherwise in need of support services, please contact the Township at (973) 535-7961, ext. 231.”

New Jersey has recorded 427 confirmed cases and five deaths from the new coronavirus known as COVID-19 as of Wednesday afternoon. READ MORE: NJ Coronavirus Updates: Here's What You Need To Know

Livingston officials offered the following information about COVID-19.

Social Distancing

As more and more cases continue to be observed throughout New Jersey, we continue to urge all residents to practice social distancing:

  • Avoid non-essential travel, public events, community gatherings, and indoor venues.
  • Keep at least six feet between yourself and another person in all public places
  • Avoid close contact, including handshakes and hugging
  • Limit in-person meetings and gatherings

At Risk Individuals and Recommendations

Those with underlying health conditions, pregnant women and the elderly are strongly encouraged to stay at home. Likewise, any person experiencing any illness or symptoms, including fever, coughing or respiratory distress, are strongly encouraged to contact their doctor or medical provider by phone to learn the proper way to report for examination, diagnosis and treatment, and to self-quarantine until such time as they can be diagnosed by medical professionals. Everyone has to do their part to help slow the spread of this virus.

In addition to social distancing, individuals can help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses such as COVID-2019 and other diseases by practicing basic infection control on a daily basis.

  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Limit close contact, like shaking hands, hugging, kissing and sharing cups or utensils
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. If you do not have a tissue, use your sleeve (not your hands).
  • Facemasks are most effective when used appropriately by health care workers and those directly caring for people who are sick and by people who are sick.

Testing for Coronavirus

Testing may be available through your healthcare provider if they determine that testing is warranted based on symptoms and examination. Please contact them to discuss if you should be tested. Your healthcare provider will review your specific symptoms and make the clinical decisions as to whether to order the test. The Livingston Health Department does not have test kits, does not do the testing and does not provide primary care.

Based upon New Jersey Department of Health guidance, individuals with no symptoms are not recommended to be tested. Individuals with mild symptoms should stay home if they are sick and follow the guidance of their health care provider.

You should also call a doctor if you have had close contact with a person who has COVID-19. Visit the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website for an up to date list of countries most affected by COVID-19

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