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Neighbor News

Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund Endorses Imani Oakley

CBDAF joins a growing list of eco-orgs endorsing Oakley for NJ-10

(Image Courtesy Oakley for Congress)

Montclair, NJ — The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, a non-partisan advocacy org that fights to keep environmental conservation at the forefront of national policy, has endorsed Imani Oakley for Congress in New Jersey’s 10th district on Tuesday.

“Imani Oakley is deeply committed to fighting the environmental injustices that have devastated the communities of northern New Jersey for too long,” said Stephanie Kurose, northeast political director at the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund. “Now more than ever, we need bold leaders like Imani in Congress who aren’t afraid to confront the massive challenges our country faces head on. We know she’ll fight every day for a healthier planet for both people and wildlife, and we’re honored to endorse her.”

“The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund is a tireless, fearless advocate for our increasingly-fragile ecosystem. New Jersey’s 10th district is largely urban, and we suffer from the lingering effects of unchecked industry: heavy metals in our soil, noxious chemicals in our air, and a watershed that is one minor spill away from catastrophe. The worst areas of pollution are disproportionately in and around Black and brown neighborhoods — not a coincidence,” said Oakley. “I’m going to Washington to fight to preserve the natural spaces that still exist, clean up the ones that have been badly polluted, provide good union jobs to the folks who will be doing the preservation and clean-up work, and ensure that the communities that have been most harmed by the lingering effects of dirty industry are prioritized for restoration. It won’t be easy, but with advocates like the CBDAF at my side, we can absolutely do this.”

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Oakley — a political organizer who has worked hard to combat systemic injustice in all its forms — is running for Congress in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District on a platform that includes support for the Green New Deal and environmental justice. Her policies include ensuring a just green transition, rapid decarbonization of the economy, and massive federal investment in green unionized jobs for all.

The incumbent, Rep. Payne Jr., has drawn criticism for taking money from some of the worst polluters in the fossil fuel industry such as ExxonMobil, Plains All American Pipeline, and Enbridge — despite currently sitting as the Chair of the House Subcommittee on Railroads, Hazardous Materials, and Pipelines — and for having one of the highest absentee rates of any Congressperson.

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This endorsement comes on the heels of another set of ecologically-focused endorsements from four local Sunrise Movement hubs: Sunrise Hunterdon, Sunrise Montclair, Sunrise Morris County, and Sunrise Union, and adds to the progressive coalition growing around Oakley’s campaign, including from Brand New Congress, Catch Fire, West Orange Young Democrats, Building Bridges For America, Roadmap for Progress, FutureGen PAC, Black Lives Matter activist Zellie Imani, Mt. Rainier Vice Mayor Scott Cecil, Maplewood Mayor Dean Dafis, Muslim community leader and civil rights advocate Selaedin Maksut, and former progressive presidential candidate Marianne Williamson.

“We are building a progressive movement aimed at the forces hurting our communities,” Oakley said. “As Congresswoman, I will work tirelessly to win a future for our children and our planet.”

Imani Oakley is a long-time political organizer and pro-democracy activist running for Congress in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District. The seat covers parts of Essex, Union, and Hudson counties. Her time working in New Jersey political spaces has made one thing clear: our state suffers from rabid corruption. Her campaign is dedicated to ending this system and lifting up working-class communities.

For more information about Imani, please visit:

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