Newtown Real Estate News

Newtown|Neighbor News|

Fed Officials Revise Projections

The economic data released over the past week had little influence on mortgage rates.

Fed Officials Revise Projections
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Job Gains Fall Short

The unemployment rate declined from 5% to 4.7%.

Job Gains Fall Short
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Sales of New Homes Surge

In April, sales of both new and existing homes exceeded expectations.

Sales of New Homes Surge
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Global Growth Outlook Downgraded

Signs of slower global growth were positive for mortgage rates.

Global Growth Outlook Downgraded
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Happy Earth Day

Earth Day is honored around the world on April 22, to inspire people to take action to protect and improve the Earth’s environment

Happy Earth Day
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Inflation and China

Central bankers have been the driver of mortgage rates over the past few weeks, but there was little new information from them this week.

Inflation and China
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Central Banks Drive Rates

Recent central bank actions and comments have been good for mortgage rates.

Central Banks Drive Rates
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Strong Job Gains Continue

Favorable comments from Fed Chair Yellen’s speech on Tuesday helped mortgage rates.

Strong Job Gains Continue
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Inflation Concerns Ease

Mixed economic data provided no reason for mortgage rates to move much in one direction or the other.

Inflation Concerns Ease
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Learn the Basics about Home Warranties

According to, home sellers can make their home more attractive to potential buyers.

Learn the Basics about Home Warranties
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Dovish Fed Statement

As expected, the Fed did not change the federal funds rate.

Dovish Fed Statement
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Improving Labor Market

The key monthly employment report revealed that the labor market continued to improve.

Improving Labor Market
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Manufacturing Picks Up

Most of the economic data released over the past week was stronger than expected.

Manufacturing Picks Up
Newtown|Neighbor News|

More Signs of Rising Inflation

The inflation data released over the past week was concerning for mortgage rates.

More Signs of Rising Inflation
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Inflation Climbs

Shifts in demand for risky assets, such as stocks, and also safe assets, like mortgage-backed securities, caused mortgage rate volatility.

Inflation Climbs
Newtown|Neighbor News|

Sentiment Shifts, Rates Rise Slightly

Once again, the change in mortgage rates over the past week was mostly determined by movements in the stock market.

Sentiment Shifts, Rates Rise Slightly

$8M Property Goes On The Market In Newtown

The following properties were recently listed around Newtown, including an $8 million property at an “undisclosed” address.

$8M Property Goes On The Market In Newtown