• April ChanPatch Staff Verified Patch Staff Badge

  • Enumclaw, WA

Email: april.chan(at)patch.com

Phone: 360-220-2080

Hometown: San Francisco, Calif.

Birthday: April 11


I thoroughly enjoyed my position as online reporter at The Olympian where my days started early and my job was to get the morning news out to folks before their day started. Whether it was cops and fire, traffic, weather conditions, or the occasional feature, I was fulfilled in knowing that my work was a service to readers. 

As a journalist-in-training at the University of Maryland in College Park, Md., I also had the opportunity to write for several regional publications as well as USAToday.com. I am especially proud of a piece I wrote in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that earned recognition from the Society of Professional Journalists.

Once upon a time, I also earned a degree in molecular and cell biology from the University of California in Berkeley. I toyed with the idea of becoming a doctor, but quickly realized my best gift was an ability to communicate via the written word, and so here I am as your local Patch editor. 

A city girl through and through, I have been charmed not only by the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest but by the close-knit, small-town and really timeless nature of my Patch community in Enumclaw. My husband and I can often be found hiking somewhere in the Cascades in the summer and playing with our trio of cats at home when it is cold and wet outside.

Your Beliefs

At Patch, we promise always to report the facts as objectively as possible and otherwise adhere to the principles of good journalism. However, we also acknowledge that true impartiality is impossible because human beings have beliefs. So in the spirit of simple honesty, our policy is to encourage our editors to reveal their beliefs to the extent they feel comfortable.  


How would you describe your political beliefs? Are you registered with a certain party?

I am not registered with any political party. My beliefs in general cover the entire political spectrum. They're largely influenced by my family; my parents have worked tirelessly to give me every opportunity they never had, and I've come to appreciate their values of hard work, selflessness, fiscal responsibility, and self-reliance. At the same time, my upbringing in the San Francisco Bay Area helped me to appreciate a diverse array of ideas. My aim with Enumclaw Patch is to give everyone a fair voice, so please: speak up!


How religious would you consider yourself? 

I am not religious but do have an appreciation and respect for those who practice and nurture their beliefs. 

Local Hot-Button Issues

What do you think are the most important issues facing the community? Where do you stand on each of these issues?

Enumclaw is growing and changing, and I think it's understandable that there are residents who have lived here a long time who are wary of these changes. There is a proud history here reflecting a true independent and pioneering spirit; similarly, it's just a nice place to live: clean, low crime, and a great place to raise kids.

Growth typically means jobs and opportunity. But growth needs to happen in a smart and sustainable way. So if you care about your city, go to the next city council meeting and make sure your voice is heard. 

Better yet, come to Patch and speak up! We want to hear from you too!

Posting Activity


Candidate Forum Oct. 29 in Enumclaw

The Associated Students of Green River Community College and the Enumclaw Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a 2013 political candidates forum at the Green River campus in Enumclaw on Oct. 29 from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.