• Sarah WorthmanPatch Staff Verified Patch Staff Badge

  • Fox Point-Bayside, WI

Email: sarah.worthman@patch.com

Phone: 414-412-5561

Hometown: Sheboygan, WI

Birthday: March 10, 1987

Twitter: www.twitter.com/SarahJPatch

Sarah's drive for journalism began when she worked for her high school newspaper in Plymouth, WI. She wrote news, feature and editorials, earning awards from the North Eastern Wisconsin Scholastic Press Association (NEWSPA) for photography and writing, and ran the business department. She continued this work for her college newspaper as well at UW-Sheboygan, along with composing the layout for the school's literary magazine. She then moved to Milwaukee to complete her bachelor's degree in journalism with a print/online focus at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  

Your Beliefs

At Patch, we promise always to report the facts as objectively as possible and otherwise adhere to the principles of good journalism. However, we also acknowledge that true impartiality is impossible because human beings have beliefs. So in the spirit of simple honesty, our policy is to encourage our editors to reveal their beliefs to the extent they feel comfortable.


I am not attached to any particular party, I look at the individuals who are up for election. I feel that governmental decisions, whether they be for something like your local school board, or presidential elections, I like to check out the individual instead of starting with which party they're in.


I think that everyone should be able to practice what beliefs give them comfort, even if that means that they do not believe.  I chose to believe.

If you see me working in the local Stone Creek Coffee, Starbucks, Bruegger's Bagels or Noodles and Co., stop by and say hi! Tell me what interests you about our town, what you think we should make sure to cover or just what you think about the weather! 

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Sussex, WI|News|

New School Year, New Pledge of Allegiance?

In just a few short weeks, thousands of North Shore kids will head back to school and that begs the question, "Should kids be required to say the Pledge of Allegiance daily?"

New School Year, New Pledge of Allegiance?
Fox Point-Bayside|News|

New School Year, New Pledge of Allegiance?

In just a few short weeks, thousands of North Shore kids will head back to school and that begs the question, "Should kids be required to say the Pledge of Allegiance daily?"

New School Year, New Pledge of Allegiance?