Politics & Government

Tysons Casino Bill: Reston Citizens Group Opposes With New Resolution

Reston Citizens Association opposes Virginia Senate bill authorizing Fairfax County to put a casino referendum on a future ballot.

Reston Citizens Association opposes Virginia Senate bill authorizing Fairfax County to put a casino referendum on a future ballot.
Reston Citizens Association opposes Virginia Senate bill authorizing Fairfax County to put a casino referendum on a future ballot. (Shutterstock)

At its meeting on Tuesday night, the Reston Citizens Association passed a resolution in opposition to SB 675, which the Virginia Senate Committee on General Laws and Technology would be considering on Wednesday.

WHEREAS the Reston Citizens Association recognizes the importance of citizen engagement in the land use decision making process, and preserving the quality of life in Fairfax County; and

WHEREAS Reston Citizens Association has long supported the protection of established residential communities from inappropriate development, and strongly supports the long-standing tradition of robust citizen participation in local land use decisions; and

WHEREAS legislation SB-675 authorizing a referendum in Fairfax County regarding land use approvals for a casino or casinos in proximity to the Metro Silver Line stations was introduced in the 2024 regular session of the Virginia General Assembly by Patron Senator Marsden; and

WHEREAS, Reston Citizens Association recognizes that other area umbrella groups, including the Reston Association, the McLean Citizens Association, Great Falls Citizens Association, Sully District Council of Citizens Associations, Western Fairfax County Citizens Association, the Vienna Town Council, and many local citizens, strongly oppose the concept of casino legislation for Fairfax County; and

WHEREAS after careful consideration, Reston Citizens Association has many concerns and objections to the proposal for casino development in Fairfax County, including the detrimental impacts of such development on the surrounding communities, and the potential effects on transportation infrastructure, as well as crime and the environment, and the character of the local neighborhoods; and

Now, therefore, in view of the foregoing, BE IT RESOLVED as follows:

1) Reston Citizens Association in the strongest possible terms opposes the potential action by the Virginia Senate authorizing a Fairfax County referendum for the consideration of any casinos and related “public entertainment” developments in Fairfax County.

2) Reston Citizens Association in the strongest possible terms opposes development approval or construction of any casinos in Fairfax County. No issue has generated such wide-spread and passionate opposition by citizens from every corner of Fairfax County and all walks of life.

3) Reston Citizens Association endorses the previously expressed concerns and opposition of the Reston Association, the McLean Citizens Association, Great Falls Citizens Association, Sully District Council of Citizens Associations, Western Fairfax County Citizens Association, the Vienna Town Council regarding the proposed legislation.

4) Reston Citizens Association stands with our elected County Supervisor, State Senator and House of Delegates representative in their opposition to this proposal.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be communicated forthwith to all members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, as well as the local senators and delegates in the Virginia General Assembly, and the Governor of Virginia.

This resolution was approved by unanimous vote of the Board of Reston Citizens Association at its 23 January 2024 meeting.

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