All About the Aries Rising Sign, from Personality Traits to Compatibility

Here's everything to know if your ascendant is in Aries, according to an astrologer

PEOPLE zodiac graphics aries
Aries sign.

The first sign of the zodiac, Aries are known to be firecrackers and innovators. But how does that translate when the ram is not your sun sign but actually your rising sign? The differences may not be major, but they definitely affect how you move in the world.

Unlike your sun sign, which is all about how you present yourself, your rising sign — or ascendant — is all about how people perceive you.

It's "the astrological sign that was coming up on the horizon on the day you were born," Psychic Teagan, premier astrologist with California Psychics, tells PEOPLE. Where your sun sign is more about your ego — the story you want the world to believe about you — your rising sign determines how people interpret that message.

So, what does that look like for Aries, the big sister of the zodiac? Read on for a full breakdown of the Aries rising sign.

How to find your rising sign

To find your rising sign, you'll need to know the exact time you were born. Again, because your rising sign reflects the sign that was on the horizon, having an exact time helps in pinpointing because those signs move as the planet rotates throughout the day.

Sites such as Cafe Astrology and Co-Star Astrology can help you find your rising sign.

What are the personality traits of an Aries rising sign?

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, so they tend to set things off. They are the pioneers of the zodiac, says Teagan, and therefore, natural-born leaders. They're bold, charismatic, energetic and assertive. In social situations, Aries rising signs are most likely the people with a big group around them. They can come up with an impromptu game to play and can keep the energy flowing in a crowd.

Aries tend to be straight shooters, so when you go to them for advice, expect a bit of bluntness and brutal honesty. "They sometimes might not always give you that emotional 'warm and fuzzy' [response] because they’re very direct and to the point," explains Teagan.

What is the mindset of an Aries rising sign?

Aries are ruled by Mars, the planet of action, so their mindset is always about moving to the next phase, starting the next project or planning the next trip. They're all about "go, go, go" emphasizes Teagan. "They also have a sense of emergency, all the time — they want things done, so there’s this [urgency] about them," she explains. "They also absolutely adore and love new beginnings and they’re risk-takers who [often] live in the moment. The more spontaneous their actions, the happier they are."

Who are Aries rising signs most compatible with?

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Because of their openness in spirit, Teagan says Aries rising signs have the potential to be with all other signs. Their best matches, however, would be other fire signs — Leo, Sagittarius and Aries — especially if the other party has their moon or sun in Aries, for instance.

Aries rising signs are also good with Libras because the sign is their direct opposite. "These are called the congenial elements, which means they bring a really nice balance," Teagan says. "Aries risings do great with Libra energy because where Aries can be on the move, Libra can go, 'Whoa, can we stop and just slow down for a second?'"

Who are Aries rising signs least compatible with?

All that energy and fire can create some serious tension if an Aries rising is paired with Virgos or Capricorns, per Teagan. "Virgo and Capricorn are earth signs, so they’re very grounded. But because Aries is such a leader and Virgo and Capricorn are very business-minded and very focused as well, they tend to be a little more competitive with one another."

Other potentially disastrous matches are fellow Aries rising signs and the more emotional water signs: Cancer and Pisces. "Cancers are known to be very emotional with their hearts on their sleeves, and Pisces are intuitively over the top," she says. "Sometimes that doesn’t jive the best with Aries rising."

How are Aries rising signs in a relationship?

If you're looking for a loyal partner who is creative and down for some adventure on the weekends, Aries rising signs are your best bet. Because they want action, Aries rising signs are all about spontaneity and new experiences, so chilling at home watching old episodes of Sex and the City may not exactly be their jam. Spending the day trying out new foods at a farmers market, going on a hike and exploring new museums, is more their speed.

When it comes to committing, however, Aries rising signs have no issues — once they decide you're the one. Not only are they loyal and dedicated, but they're also happy to show their partners off to the world and they come with a lot of emotion and empathy for their lovers.

How are Aries rising signs as friends?

When it comes to friendships, Aries rising signs are again, loyal and straightforward. If you're looking for someone to back you up in your on-again, off-again situationship, this rising sign will stand by you, but they'll definitely let their opinion be known.

Aries rising signs are also discerning and are likely to break their friendships into two groups: close friends and acquaintances. Once they consider you a friend, Aries rising signs tend to have "very deep, connected, loyal friendships," says Teagan.

Outside of that, Aries rising signs can be very private — listening, without exposing a whole lot about themselves. That changes the more they spend time with someone, at which point "they will start to unzip their heart and let that person jump in," says Teagan.

How are Aries rising signs as parents?

Because Aries Rising are go-getters and doers, they'll come across as inspirational to their children, says Teagan. And as fiery and blunt as they may be with peers, as parents Aries rising signs are great listeners, patient and supportive. "Anything competitive, even if it’s a spelling bee, they’re going to be [their children's biggest] fan," Teagan says.

How are Aries rising signs in the workplace?

Because of their pioneering spirit, Aries rising signs are keen to think outside the box and try new ways of doing things, which can make them great in the workplace. They're nimble, creative and hardworking, which means they not only think ahead to come up with fresh ways to do things but if you're in a bind, they're great teammates because they're quick problem solvers.

However, that fervor can sometimes interfere with the day-to-day flow of an office — depending on the field. "They can work with other people but there are times when they struggle a bit in that category because they’re used to being the person that’s leading." Teagan explains.

Which celebrities are Aries rising signs?

Aries Rising, John Lennon, Rihanna, Stevie Nicks

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Rihanna, John Lennon, Stevie Nicks, Barbra Streisand, Pharrell Williams and Celine Dion are some celebrities who are Aries rising signs.

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