Injured George Clooney, Girlfriend Attend Premiere

"I'm a little dinged up," he tells PEOPLE at the New York premiere of Michael Clayton.

Photo: Scott Wintrow/Getty

George Clooney was still sore and girlfriend Sarah Larson hobbled on crutches and hid a black eye behind makeup from their motorcycle accident as they attended the Monday night premiere of Clooney’s Michael Clayton.

“I’m a little dinged up – lots of Neosporin,” Clooney told PEOPLE at the New York event. “I’m definitely not jogging or doing jumping jacks.”

He added that he and Larson are “just resting.”

“You don’t really want to rub or massage parts that are broken or anything,” he said.

Clooney is shooting Burn After Reading, and the accident may have him in hot water with producers, he told Extra.

“I’m not suppose to be on a motorcycle,” he said. “I think I am in trouble now.”

Larson, meanwhile, broke a toe – not her foot, as reported – and also suffered a black eye, Clooney told Extra.

“We are hiding it with makeup,” he said. “It looks like I socked her a couple times.”

Clooney, 46, suffered a hairline fracture of a rib and road rash, and Larson, 28, suffered the toe injury, when they were struck by a turning car while riding through New Jersey. Both were released after receiving treatment.

According to Access Hollywood, Clooney e-mailed the show’s Nancy O’Dell and said, “All is fine.” The playful actor added, “Not like giving birth,” referring to O’Dell recently having her first child.

Meanwhile, Access Hollywood‘s Billy Bush interviewed Albert Sciancalepore, 27, who was involved in the accident with Clooney.

“My main concern was there’s two people on the ground, they just hit me and, you know, I’m concerned for them,” Sciancalepore, a chef, said.

“They’re both bleeding, it’s more of a shock than anything, not because he’s a celebrity, but more to the fact that there’s two people hurt on the ground that could have been severely hurt,” he said.

• Reporting by SUSAN YARA

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