This Billionaire's Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife Wants $1 Million a Month in Alimony

That private jet isn't going to pay for itself, now is it?

Photo: Amanda Gordon/Bloomberg/Getty

These things add up: $6,800 a month for groceries. $450,000 for a 10-day vacation in St. Bart’s. $300,000 a month for a private jet.

Another day, another billionaire’s divorce turned contentious. Anne Dias-Griffin, the soon-to-be ex-wife of hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, is seeking $1 million a month in alimony, CNBC reports, citing court documents filed Friday.

She says the amount is what she needs to raise the couple’s three young children, all under 10. But Griffin claims the money is actually going towards funding her lifestyle.

“Anne failed in her initial effort to obtain these things from Ken in the name of maintaining the ‘status quo,’ ” the filing reads, according to CNBC. “Now she claims that these same expenses are in fact ‘child support.’ ”

A breakdown of the “budget” shows the expenses include some shocking figures. Griffin says his wife wants $6,800 a month for groceries, $7,200 a month for restaurant meals, $8,000 a month for gifts and $2,000 a month for stationery.

The sum also includes $60,000 for an office and professional staff, according to CNN.

Griffin balked at the $450,000 that Dias-Griffin asked for to take a 10-day trip to St. Bart’s. Griffin says he gave her only $45,000 instead.

A spokesperson for Dias-Griffin disputes that claim, saying she wasn’t really asking for nearly half a million dollars for a vacation.

“The only thing Anne has done is to state what Ken’s historic spending was for their children during the marriage and what it would cost to replicate that, as required by Illinois law,” the spokesperson told CNN.

In court docs filed Friday, Griffin claims he’s paid 100 percent of the children’s needs. But Dias-Griffin alleges he’s skipping out on child support payments.

“Ken Griffin, one of the wealthiest men in the world, continues to lie with impunity and to brutally and shamelessly attack the mother of his children in an effort to avoid his financial responsibilities to his family,” Dias-Griffin’s spokesperson said.

“Anne is saddened that he is using his enormous resources in an attempt to destroy her when it would be so easy for him to support his children as he always did during the marriage.”

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