Aisha Tyler's Food Diary: What I Eat in a Day

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Aisha Tyler sticks to a “modified paleo diet” to feel her best.

“This means that for the most part, I avoid refined carbohydrates, grains, dairy and sugar,” the 6′ actress and talk show host tells PEOPLE. “That said, I’m not super strict. I try to be as disciplined as I can during the week so that I can eat what I want on the weekends, which includes pasta, bread and other fun stuff.”

She also incorporates healthy fats into her daily diet to keep satisfied.

“I eat avocado every day, sometimes twice a day, as well as organic nuts every day,” says Tyler, who is launching a line of bottled cocktails, Courage + Stone, this fall. “I also try to eat organic as much as possible.”

To prevent herself from snacking on unhealthy foods later in the day, Tyler eats a breakfast that is high in protein.

“There is so much sugary junk around television sets, and sugar is really my weakness, so anything that helps render me immune to the seductive powers of bear-shaped cookies and tiny candy bars, I’m in,” she says. “I eat what looks like a feast at breakfast, but it pays off.”

Tyler is also a creature of habit when it comes to her meals.

“I tend to eat similar meals every day, especially when I’m on set, as my work schedule is so crazed that I’ve tried eliminate as many nonessential decisions as I can from my day,” she says. “I have a standing order for breakfast at The Talk and lunch at Criminal Minds.”

As for her favorite splurges, Tyler goes for “a bit of organic dark chocolate in the afternoon or a great, well-made cocktail at the end of the day.”

Check out her daily food log below, and pick up the new issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands now, to read more about Tyler’s diet.

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2 liters of water

Breakfast (on-set of The Talk)
4 oz. grilled chicken breast
2 oz. avocado
1 cup broccoli
1 poached organic Omega-3 egg
Black coffee with organic cinnamon
1 tsp. SFH fish oil
1 3.5-oz. bottle Bio-K+ organic brown rice probiotic
3 tbsp. Nature’s Plus Source of Life Liquid Red multivitamin

Lunch (on-set of Criminal Minds)
Steak tacos: 2 corn tortillas, 4 oz. strip steak, 2 oz. avocado and 2 oz. pico de gallo

Dinner (on-set of Criminal Minds)
4 oz. grilled halibut
1 cup broccoli rabe sautéed in 1 tbsp. olive oil and garlic

Total Calories:

The Verdict:
“I love that Aisha had chicken for breakfast! I always tell people to eat whatever protein they are in the mood for in the morning,” says Keri Glassman of, who also praises Tyler for adding supplements to her diet. As for lunch, “she didn’t go overboard with the tacos” by choosing smart toppings, says Glassman. “She does a great job of eating proportioned meals even when she is on-set.”

NOTE: It is recommended that women eat at least 1,200 calories per day, and men eat at least 1,800 calories per day.

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