Hungry Girl: 6 Amazing Food Finds for Vegans

Some celebrities have eaten a vegan diet for ages, while others are recent converts. No matter which side you identify with, if you're eating vegan, I've got a bonanza of guilt-free picks for your pantry:

Hungry Girl's vegan recipes

Lisa Lillien is the author of the popular Hungry Girl website and email newsletter, featuring smart, funny advice on guilt-free eating. She is also the author of nine books, six of which debuted at number one on the New York Times Best Sellers list. Read her blog every Monday for slimmed-down celebrity recipes and more.

Fruits and veggies — I’ll fork into them anytime. But if you’re eating vegan, you’re not limited to the produce section of the grocery store. Inspired by celebrities who’ve tried a vegan diet, I’ve put together a bonanza of my favorite vegan picks for your pantry:

When Beyoncé and Jay-Z did their 22-day vegan challenge around the end of last year, Beyoncé was spotted sporting a pizza-rific ensemble — the joke being that if she couldn’t eat pizza, she’d wear it! But if you’re keeping it vegan and craving guilt-free pizza goodness, I have a solution: Hit the freezer aisle for Amy’s Light & Lean Roasted Vegetable No Cheese Pizza (just 260 calories and 4.5g fat!).

Another vegan who’s having a pretty good year? Jared Leto. After learning about his Oscar nomination for Dallas Buyers Club (which he went on to win), he stated that he was going back to bed and then making vegan pancakes. See the video of him making them, then whip up vegan pancakes of your own! Van’s Natural Foods Totally Original Gluten Free Pancakes are frozen flapjacks free of dairy and egg. Have two of them for 190 calories and 3g fat.

Other celebs big on the vegan scene? Alicia Silverstone cut out all animal products back in 1998. Another ’90s megastar, Mayim Bialik (of Blossom, more recently of The Big Bang Theory) is also way into the vegan life. And power couple Ellen DeGeneres and Portia DeRossi are also Team Vegan. In honor of those four VIVs (very important vegans), here are four more Hungry Girl favorites that are vegan friendly…

Boca Original Vegan Meatless Burger. This freezer-aisle find is perhaps my favorite vegan treat. Only 70 calories per patty. Although, full disclosure: I’ve been known to top it with non-vegan cheese, like in this Hollywood-inspired American Hustle Melt.

Gardein Mandarin Crispy Chick’n. Here’s another vegan gem residing in the freezer case… It’s like guilt-free Chinese food! Each serving (with sauce) has just 165 calories and 7g fat.

Nacho Mom’s Ultimate Vegan Queso. That’s right: vegan cheese dip! It’s also fat-free and delicious, with only 10 calories per serving. Worth seeking out!

TCBY Silk Vanilla Almond and Chocolate Almond Fro Yo. This soft-serve dessert is completely dairy free. And a 4-oz. serving has just 110 calories and less than 2g fat. Love that!

‘Til next time… Chew the right thing!

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