Khloé Kardashian Helps Two People Transform Through Weight Loss in 'Revenge Body' Premiere

The first episode of Khloé Kardashian's Revenge Body kicked off by helping two people shed a total of 57 lbs.

A combined 57 lbs. down, the first two contestants are ready for Revenge.

The new reality weight loss show Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian premiered Thursday night, with Stephanie Perez and Will Ontiveros working their butts off to transform their bodies.

Perez signed on to the weight loss journey after years of feeling like the ugly duckling of her social group.

“I’m like the fat friend, I’m like the friend who doesn’t have clear skin, and I’m the friend that needs to wear makeup,” Perez says. “When we go out I know that no one’s looking at me, everyone’s looking at them.”

She even calls herself a DUFF — “the Designated Ugly Fat Friend.”

“Okay. Okay that’s like really f—– up,” KhloéKardashian, 32, responds.

RELATED VIDEO: How Khloe Kardashian Dropped 35 Lbs.

After weeks of seven-days-a-week, twice-a-day workouts, Perez dropped 27 lbs., debuting her slimmer body to friends at a pool party.

Ontiveros’ revenge goals are romance-related — he says his boyfriend dumped him for gaining weight.

“Recently my boyfriend told me that he wasn’t attracted to me anymore. And I knew I had gained weight, but I didn’t know it was like, that bad, like I wasn’t attractive,” Ontiveros says. “My end goal is hopefully Kyle will look at the hard work I did, and say, ‘Wow, this person did this for me.’ ”

After 12 weeks of boxing and weight lifting with celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson, Ontiveros lost 30 lbs.

“I’m loving how my body looks right now,” he says.

Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian airs Thursdays (8 p.m. ET) on E!

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