Victoria Beckham Works Out for 2 Hours Every Morning: 'I'm Very Disciplined'

Victoria Beckham does an hour workout first thing in the morning, and then another hour after giving her kids breakfast

Victoria Beckham has a lot on her plate, which makes her dedication to fitness that much more impressive.

The mom-of-four whose business ventures include her own fashion brand and a make-up collection with Estée Lauder, has to be strategic.

“I get up quite early, around 6 a.m., and do an hour in the gym before the kids get up, then I give them breakfast and David or I take them to school. I’ll then fit in another hour’s workout before I go to the office. I’m very disciplined, I have to be,” the former Spice Girl, who recently celebrated her 18th wedding anniversary with husband David Beckham, told The Sunday Times. “It’s really the only time in the day I get to myself. No one comes into the gym, no one follows me in there with a laptop. If I’m standing in the kitchen for too long, then laptops will come floating in my direction. Someone always wants something approved, something signed off. Other than the children no one dares come into the gym.”

Beckham, 43, does admit she has help when it comes to sticking to her schedule.

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“It’s all about managing time and having a good team of people around you,” she said. “It’s not easy. I’m a bit of a control freak. I love what I do, and I always want to be the best – whether that’s designing an amazing collection, putting on the best fashion show, creating a make-up collection, being the best mum, the best wife. Luckily I have a brilliant support network that makes everything possible and an assistant who will tell me when I need to stop … I listen to her when she says it’s time to go home and have dinner with David and the kids.”

As for her diet, Beckham, who has said she swears by salmon for her glowing skin, also stated she “enjoy[s] eating healthily.”

“I’m in the fortunate position where it’s easy for me. I can afford to eat well,” said the star, who told the Times she eats a lot due to the her twice-daily exercise routine. “I expect a lot from my body… and I’m never sick. You have to be kind to your body if you expect a lot from it.”

Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock

And although Beckham may be known for keeping a straight face, she said, “I do smile and laugh a lot.”

She added: “Every morning I genuinely wake up and realize how lucky and blessed I am – despite how I often look in pictures! Thankfully because of social media people can now see the images and videos that me and my family choose to post and see us as we are, rather than how others want us to be seen.”

The designer, who just debuted her Spring/Summer 2018 line at New York Fashion Week (where her husband and eldest son, Brooklynsupported her from the front row), explained that in the end it all comes down to family.

“I’ve learnt that it’s not becoming successful that’s trickiest, it’s maintaining that success.” she said. “Thankfully I’ve been able to take everything that I know from having grown up in the public eye, from being famous at only 19 years old, and learn from that. And I have always had the support of my family… if I hadn’t had the right family around me then I’d probably have been a bit of a lunatic.”

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