Meet Kendra Wilkinson's Daughter Alijah Mary

After welcoming her second child with Hank Baskett in May, the reality star and her husband posed for a family photo with their two children.

Meet Alijah Mary Baskett!

After welcoming her second child with Hank Baskett in May, Kendra Wilkinson and her husband recently posed for a family photo with their two children.

Now that her family of four is complete, the reality star blogger is settling into a new routine with the couple’s now 5-week-old daughter and 4½-year-old son Hank IV.

In between learning the ropes of double parenting duties, Wilkinson is opening up to PEOPLE about everything from how she and Baskett tag team their roles to the meaning behind her baby girl’s name.

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PEOPLE: How was the delivery?

Kendra: The delivery was way too easy. I was scared and nervous about another c-section, but everything ended up being so easy. I didn’t feel a pinch. I feel guilty I didn’t feel anything. Emotions were extremely high when we first met Alijah. It was a heavenly time.

PEOPLE: How did you choose the name Alijah Mary? Any special meaning behind Alijah?

Kendra: I knew I wanted a unisex name [when I was] going through the names. I ended up going to Sundance [and] I met a driver who was amazing and so kind. He was talking about his daughter who was named Alijah and I knew right then that would be my little girl’s name.

Mary is for my grandmother — I’m carrying the name on.

PEOPLE: Tell us about the first time little Hank met his baby sister. What was his reaction? What was your reaction to seeing them together?

Kendra: I’ve been dreaming about little Hank holding his little sister for so long. It was everything and everyone started crying. Little Hank had a huge smile and he now knows he really is a big brother.

PEOPLE: It’s early, but is Alijah’s personality starting to peek through? Is she more feisty or mellow?

Kendra: It is not too early — she is driven and she knows exactly what she wants in life. There is no other way around it.

PEOPLE: Parents are typically more laid-back with their second child. Have you noticed a change in your parenting? Were you super nervous with little Hank and now more at ease with Alijah?

Kendra: It is 100 percent completely different. With Little Hank, I felt like I was doing everything wrong. He cried and I came running — it was very intense.

With Alijah, it is more relaxed and I know I’m doing okay. I have room to breathe and take time to enjoy every moment.

PEOPLE: It’s 4 a.m. and Alijah is crying — who gets up? Do you and Hank tag team or are you handling most of the night shifts?

Kendra: She sleeps about an hour to two hours between feedings. I have the night shift and in the morning I bring her to the living room — “Hank’s bedroom” — and I get some sleep.

PEOPLE: You’ve always said how great a father Hank is — how is he doing with having a daughter? Have there been any special daddy-daughter moments yet?

Kendra: Hank’s ego is a little big right now. He has been able to master burping her correctly without getting it on him. He has been able to do a lot of Alijah’s first things together, like her first bath.

Since she is feeding so often, he has been on Little Hank duty lately, giving him some attention.

PEOPLE: You maintained super healthy eating habits during your pregnancy. Are you continuing that now that you’re postpartum? Do you think your bounce back will be much easier/quicker?

Kendra: I ate very healthy compared to my last pregnancy and it is very important to me to maintain a good diet going forward.

PEOPLE: You’ve said your family is now complete. What’s next for the Basketts?

Kendra: Figuring out how to balance out life once again, working on catching up on some sleep, exercising and getting back to shooting Season 3 of Kendra On Top on WEtv.

— Anya Leon


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