Mark Wahlberg: Son Michael is Frustrated with New Baby


Fresh off the birth of his son Brendan Joseph, 3 ½ weeks, and now on the road to promote his upcoming movie, Max Payne, actor Mark Wahlberg sat down with Jay Leno on the Tonight Show last night to talk parenting and sibling rivalry. Though Mark was attentive as girlfriend Rhea Durham went into labor, he was voiceless! "It was very frustrating," Mark says of vocal cord damage that left him literally speechless for 18 days. "I was writing on notepads to communicate. And my son was practicing karate on me." Though he may not have been vocal, he says he was there "every step of the way" for Rhea, and "would not be alive today" if he "was not there for the delivery" of baby Brendan.

Already dad to Ella Rae, 5, and Michael, 2 ½, Mark says his children are adjusting to their new sibling as well as can be expected. "My daughter’s thrilled, she thinks she has a live play toy," he says. "She loves it." However, son Michael isn’t taking to his baby brother quite as well. Mark explains,

"My son is completely frustrated because he was the baby. He now says, "The baby has to go to Florida." He can’t say too many words, that’s the only full sentence he says."

Michael’s other big word? "Paparazzi," says Mark, "because I’m always saying, "Oh God, the paparazzi are following us." I have to be careful of what I say around the kids."

Click ‘More’ to read about Mark and Rhea’s upcoming nupitals and the actor’s time growing up in Boston.

As if welcoming their third child wasn’t enough, Mark shared that inthe next six to nine months his family is preparing to move — and thathe and Rhea are looking to tie the knot. "We’re getting to know eachother," he joked to Jay. "Both of our parents are divorced, so we’rereally trying to make it work. We wanted to have the first baby, andthen decided we wanted to get married. But then the second baby wascoming, then the third."

Mark says his current home, while in the glam zip code of 90210, isnice, but too much of a bachelor pad for his expanding family. The conditions his children are growing up in are a complete contrastto his modest upbringing in Dorchester, Mass., the actor explained. Raised with eight siblings — Mark is theyoungest of nine — he shared a room with his five brothers, while histhree sisters shared a room of their own. (One of his grandmothers evenlived in the basement!) "We had two sets of bunk beds," says Mark ofhis room. Since he was the smallest, he slept on a bottom bunk. "Therewas no getting spoiled. My dad was a teamster and truck driver, and mymom worked nights."

Mark does credit his mom — and his upbringing — with keeping himgrounded, especially in his "underwear days." As for those racy CalvinKlein ads? Mark says he’s hoping to "destroy the evidence" of his past– including his music career and role in the film Boogie Nights. "I still have a few years," he laughs.

Source: Tonight Show

How did your children react to their new sibling?

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