Molly Ringwald 'Figuring It Out' As She Goes Along

When you're a mom to twins "every day is a discovery," Molly Ringwald tells iVillage. "I'm still figuring it out as I go along."

When you’re a mom to twins “every day is a discovery,” Molly Ringwald tells iVillage.

“I’m still figuring it out as I go along.”

Noting that a friend believes that being mom to a singleton is “almost like having an accessory … like having a handbag,” Ringwald — mom to Mathilda Ereni, 6½, and twins Adele Georgiana and Roman Stylianos, 10 months — points out that “you can go anywhere with one.”

“Suddenly — with three — it’s a bit more challenging,” she adds.

In her new book Getting the Pretty Back, the Secret Life of the American Teenager star offers anecdotes and encouragement for women seeking inner beauty. Her own external beauty took a hit, however, when she welcomed Mathilda.

“When I was pregnant with my first daughter, [the friend] said, ‘Oh you better hope it’s not a girl because she’ll suck the pretty out of you,'” Ringwald recalls, “I really feel like it happened, because childbirth can really take it out of you.”

Although grateful to have delivered “this absolutely gorgeous, beautiful girl,” Ringwald says she believes that the adage just might be true. “It took a while to get myself back,” she concedes.

Mathilda, Adele and Roman are Ringwald’s children with husband Panio Gianopoulos.

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